Chapter 33: Jin.

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Jin was chewing the inside of cheek. He was attending a meeting with Jeongguk and a CEO from anther company. Choi Minjun. A nasty little old man. He treated Jeongguk as if he was an illiterate kid, thing that pissed off the assistant. Little did Choi knew, the company thrived because of Jeongguk, otherwise, it would have been long gone.

"I think you can clearly see the benefits in working with us." Minjun smirked.

Jeongguk fought the urge to roll his eyes. "Mr. Choi, I can understand you want to link your company to Jeon Revella brand, but unfortunately the contract you showed me, it makes us lose money. There is no actual benefits for us. Only for you." He replied back in the same mocking tone. He shouldn't have stooped so low as the man in front of him, but the last thing Jeongguk wanted, was to be taken as a fool.

Minjun was taken aback. "I think I'm going to wait until your father comes back. At the end of the day, he still controls the company shares. He has the ultimate vote."

Jeongguk smirked. "While what you say it's true indeed, let's not forget the board of directors. I hardly think they're gonna be thrilled to lose money." He got up to his feet. "Mr. Choi, I greatly appreciate the fact that you took your time to come and propose a deal to us, but unfortunately I'm gonna pass this. See you next time sir." He politely bowed and walked away with Jin by his side.

"Thank freaking god it's over. That oldie pissed me off so bad, I actually considered ripping his arm off and hit him with it."

"Oh my God, Jin." Jeongguk laughed. "Only you can come up with these stuff."

Jin rolled his eyes. "He deserves it. How dare he mock you? I should really go back and smack his head."

"It's really not worth it, hyung. Let them think whatever the hell they want." Jeongguk replied with a shrug. They entered his office and the CEO plopped himself on the couch, his head resting on the back and his eyes closed. "My head hurts."

Jin went to his office, took some pills and handed it to his boss, together with a bottle of water. "There you go boss."

"Thank you, hyung. I don't know what I would do without you." Jeongguk admitted before drinking the pills.

"Relax. That's all you have to do for now. I'll close the window drapes and get some rest. The next meeting is in three hours."

"I have some files I need to check." He tried to get up, but Jin pushed him back on the couch.

"Hell no." Jin almost yelled. "You need rest. You know what happens when the brain gets tired, right?"

"Yes mom." Jeongguk chuckled. "It gets difficult for the brain cells to communicate effectively, which in turn, can lead to temporary mental lapses that affect memory and visual perception."

"Look who paid attention in school." Jin clapped his hands. "I'm sooo proud."

"Just go." Jeongguk smiled tiredly.

"I'm going to the kitchen to eat."

"You should take a break too. Go to a restaurant or something." Jeongguk tried. "You can call Namjoon to take you out."

"Ughh." Jin covered his face with his hands. "Don't talk to me about Namjoon."

"Why not?" Jeongguk raised his eyebrow. "I thought you liked him. He seems like a nice guy."

"He is. He's a perfect gentleman." Jin replied with a sigh. "I think I may, or may not be falling for him."

"Do I hear wedding bells, hyung?" Jeongguk grinned. He loved teasing his hyung.

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