Chapter 67: Namjin.

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It was Jin's birthday. Usually, he would spend it with his mother, eating a good meal and enjoying rides of the amusement park that was close by. When Namjoon said he'll pick him up because he has a surprise in-stored, Jin had no idea what to believe. He was definitely shocked, to say the least, when Namjoon drove to his parents house, then took him in the back yard.

There was a path between trees, lit up with tons of fairy lights, and he could still see the stars sparkling on the night sky while soft music was playing on the background. When they got into the center, he was speechless. Their friends, his mom and Namjoon's parents were all present. He could spot two tables, one filled with countless presents, the other one filled with his favorite dishes. His eyes teared up as each of them came to say their wishes.

"Happy birthday, Jin." Hoseok hugged him. "My present is already on the table, but you should open it when your alone." He winked.

"Jesus Christ." Jin rolled his eyes. One thing he knew for sure, Hoseok's present will be something lewd. "I'm scared to even think about that."

Jimin pushed his fiancé and pulled Jin into his arms. His overgrown belly made it a tad difficult. "Happy birthday, Jinnie. I hope you get to be happy for the rest of your life and all your wishes would become true."

"Thank you, Minnie." Jin hugged him back. Ever since he had met the younger, his sense of protection washed over him. Jimin was far too precious for this world. His big, innocent heart was something that needed protection more than ever. "I'm happy you're here."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Jimin smiled back and released the older. "Take a few breaths when you open Hoseokie's present. And don't do it in front of Joon's. You may not live to tell the story."

"I don't even want to know." Jin shook his head, already mortified by the thought of what could it be.

"Jinnie..." Yoongi was the next to congratulate him. "I'm happy that I got to meet you. You're someone special. You're nice, hot headed at times." He said with a chuckle. "I'm sure you're giving Joon a hard time already, but I also know that he's lucky to have someone like you in his life. Please live a long, happy and healthy life."

"Thank you, Yoon." Jin hugged his friend.

The next ones were Jungkook, Taehyung, which Jin had no idea how he was even invited, since the twins were not very comfortable around him, he was happy nonetheless to have him there. He thought that Taehyung was a good guy, just sucked at showing it. Then it proceeded with birthday wishes from his future in laws and his mother.

"When I found out that I was pregnant, I was both terrified and happy. I had no money, I had no one to support me. Fortunately, you were a very good baby. You didn't cry to often, and growing up, you didn't give me any troubles." Mirae took a deep breath and wiped a lonely tear at the corner of her eye. "When I look at you, who you grew up to be, the person you are today, I know I did a good job in raising you. You are perfect, my son. You're gentle, smart, beautiful and healthy. All I can desire as your mother, is too see you happy for the rest of your life." She turned her attention to Namjoon, who was looking at his lover as if he was the only shining star in the world. "It's your job now to make him happy. Please make sure he has everything he ever wished for. That's my plea as a mother."

Namjoon smiled and nodded. His heart warm by her words. He knew exactly why she had said them. The weight, didn't make him drop to his knees, it made him want to follow her wishes. "I will do my best. Mom."

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