Chapter 25: Taekook.

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Jimin got home with a wide smile on his face. For the last couple of days, his relationship with Hoseok was absolutely amazing. He had never felt so alive, so happy. He was in general a happy, bubbly person, but with Hoseok it felt like a spark was ignited inside his soul and made him see all sorts of colors. It was as if he was breathing fresh air for the first time in his life. The blood in his veins was running thick and his heart was beating in his chest.

Hoseok made him happy. There was absolutely no doubt about that, but there was still something that was missing. All they did was having sex, and as great as that was, he wanted to just spend the night in Hoseok's arms, go on a date. He opened the door and he smiled seeing Taehyung alone. Ever since the contest, his roommate hadn't invited anyone else in their apartment, thing that he was grateful for.

"What the hell happened to you?" Taehyung raised his eyebrow as he took in the appearance of the other. Jimin had red marks on his wrist, probably made by cuffs. His hair was disheveled and again, angry purple spots on his neck and collarbone.

"I was with Hobi." Jimin replied as he threw his backpack on the floor and sat on the couch.

"I don't like this." Taehyung got off the chair and sat next to his best friend. "Can't you see he's toxic? Look at you." He pointed towards the younger's body. "You're covered in marks and your wrists are red. How can you allow him to treat you like a slave doll?"

Jimin raised to his feet, his smile vanishing once with his friend's words. "What the hell do you know about my relationship? I gave him my consent for everything he did. He did not take advantage of me."

"Chim, I understand that you agreed to it, but don't you think it's a little too much? All you do is fuck. You know nothing about him."

"So what? What is so different from what you are doing?"

"At least I don't cover them in bruises."

"No." Jimin shook his head. "You just used them and throw them away like used cloths."

"Fuck this shit Chim." Taehyung snapped. "He doesn't deserve you. Did he show you his world? Do you know what he does?" He tilted his head and tapped his foot on the floor.

"I was today at his office." Jimin said while biting his lower lip. He didn't want to think Taehyung was right.

"And you probably ended up on your knees under his desk." Taehyung sighed.

Jimin lowered his head, ashamed that it happened exactly like that. "I'm sorry."

"Oh my god." Taehyung threw his hands in the air. "You need to talk to him, Chimy." He placed his hands on the younger's shoulders. "You can't have a relationship this way."

"What do you know about having a relationship?" Jimin asked with glossy eyes. "Tae, you're not exactly a good example worth following." With that he went to his room, living a sulky Taehyung behind.

Taehyung shook his head and sat on the couch. Ever since his real life encounter with Jungkook, his thoughts were not exactly on point. He was frustrated, he snapped at his best friend, his dreams were filled with a moaning Jungkook, and his thoughts would often drift to the older. Something was definitely wrong with him. Just the thought of the black haired male was making his cock twitch, something he never experienced before. Maybe he just needed to break the other in order to move on. Yeah, that must have been it.

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