Chapter 11: Namjoon.

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"Appa just called." Namjoon stated as he walked inside the living room.

Living with Yoongi proved to be better than expected. The feeling of loneliness he experienced before, was slowly a matter of the past. Although, living with his best friend and living alone, wasn't that much of a difference, since Yoongi was always quiet, afraid that if he makes any noise, Namjoon will throw him out. He felt as if he was the worst best friend in the world. Why couldn't he do anything good? He wanted his best friend to be comfortable in his house, not scared that he'd be thrown out if he made even the tiniest sound.

Yoongi was sitting on the couch, his eyebrows furrowed as he kept looking for a job. "Yoongi?" Namjoon asked as he sat next to him, taking the iPad from his friend's hands.

"Sorry." Yoongi rubbed his face with his hands. "You were saying?"

"Appa called. My parents will be here soon."

Yoongi smiled. "That's nice." A sudden urge desire to call his own parents surged within. "Excuse me." He got up form the couch and walked in the kitchen, took his phone out and called his mother.

"Look who's calling." His mother snorted out. "Need something?"

He took a deep breath before answering. "No. I just called to check in."

"Suddenly missed your mommy?" She chuckled.

"Something like that." Yoongi admitted. "How's everything home?"

"Say whatever you want to say already. We need to leave." Yoongi heard his father speak.

"I'm sorry." Yoongi shook his head, fighting every urge to cry at the dejection that was creeping inside his heart. "I'll... Sorry. Goodbye." He ended the call abruptly. Again, they had no time for him. Why he bothered in the first place, he really didn't know.

Namjoon was behind his friend, thing that made him hear everything. He clutched his hands so hard, his knuckles turned white. He wanted nothing more that meet Yoongi's parents and shook them until they would realize the pain they caused to their son. Before he had a chance to react, the doorbell rang once. He took a step forward, but he was suddenly hugged by his parents.

"Appa..." Namjoon whined. "You said you'd be here in twenty minutes."

Namjoon's appa, Kim Jaehwa, smacked his son's arm playfully. "I just wanted to meet the girl, or man you were hiding."

"If he is hiding someone in the first place." His father, Kim Daesun, chuckled.

"A man can dream, now can he?" Jaehwa rolled his eyes.

"Appa, Yoongi is living with me."

"Yoongi is here?" Jaehwa turned around, his eyes lit up when he spotted Yoongi. He rushed to give him a bear hug. "Yoongichi. I've missed you, my sweet child."

Yoongi returned his hug, burring his head in his shoulder. The hug made him feel better, warm on the inside. "I've missed you too, Mr. Kim."

"Oh no you don't." Jaehwa took a step back and crosses his arms on his chest. "I think I told you to call me appa."

Yoongi smiled. "Ok. Appa."

"Perfect." Jaehwa grinned.

"Honey..." Daesun sweetly said. "Where do I put the groceries?"

"On the kitchen counter." Jaehwa nodded with his hand. "You go with Namjoon and do whatever you want, Yoongi and I will cook until Jacky comes home too."

"Appa, I want to help too." Namjoon offered.

"Nope. Not a chance. The last time you and your father helped me, I had to get a new kitchen furniture." Jaehwa chastised, pushing his husband and son away from the kitchen. "We'll call you when we're finished."

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