Chapter 35: Jeongguk.

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Jeongguk sighed as he looked at the camera recording of his living room. Since Yoongi came to live with him, he installed a few cameras, but only in the living room. Don't get him wrong, as much as he was attracted to the babysitter from the beginning, the male was still a stranger living in his home.

The CEO was more than thrilled how trustworthy Yoongi was. While he was at work, the babysitter cleaned the place, cooked, washed their clothes, did everything a housewife would do. He didn't just lounged around and waste time doing nothing. Jeongguk appreciated Yoongi more and more each day. He was so different from everyone the CEO met.

Yoongi was soft, hard worker, didn't accept hand me downs and the most important thing, he treated Jiyeon like the princess she was. He never lost his calm, he didn't seem bothered by her incessant questions. He read her bed time stories, tucked her in, helped her with her homework. Jeongguk was more than convinced that what he felt for his kitten, was definitely love. The kind of love you only get once in your life time. The love that makes him the center of the universe, the sun raised and set with his smile. The love where you want to protect the other against everything that could harm him.

Jeongguk will never allow anyone to hurt the reason for his beating heart. For other it may seem that it was way too soon to say the word love, not for him. The CEO never felt this way. He never met someone who would take care of him and not his money. Yes, he was still aware that he paid the other, yet, it didn't feel that way. It felt domestic, comfortable, he felt... There aren't enough words to express what the babysitter makes him feel. So many emotions, so many new experiences.

Jeongguk was still looking at the camera recording. Yoongi was in the kitchen, his hand clutched to the edge of the counter, his eyes closed. Whomever he was talking to on the phone, didn't seem to be a good conversation. Jeongguk frowned seeing the babysitter end the call and dump the phone on the counter as he rolled down the floor, crying.

"What could be this about?" The boss asked himself. He didn't like the sight. He made a mental note to talk to Namjoon about it. Without debating too much, he closed his computer, grabbed his jacket and briefcase and marched outside his office. "Hyung, cancel all my meetings." He ordered his assistant. He had to go home and comfort his beloved. He will never leave the younger to suffer by himself.

"What happened?" Jin worriedly asked.

"I don't know. I need to go home."

"Call me if you need anything. I'll hold the fort down." Jin assured his boss.

Yoongi was on the floor, hugging his knees as he cried his heart out. He had called his mother because he missed her, he was once again brushed off as if he was nothing but a waste of time and space. He felt small, insignificant. A small pebble in one's shoe. A discomfort. A misfit. It was proven to him once again how lonely he was. He had no one. No one to hold him in their arms, whisper soothing words in his ear. No one who will wipe his tears away. He was drowning in loneliness.

Yes, he had Namjoon and Jackson, but he didn't want to be a bother in their lives. They should live happy without him in their lives. He was good for nothing anyway. He never mounted to anything good. He lowered his head down on his hands and sobbed. He sobbed his pain away. Tears washed out his face, leaving trails of despair behind them.

Jeongguk was clutching the doorknob. He took a deep breath while his mind searched for a reason to be home. He will say he needed a file from his home office. That should be a good excuse to why he was there during work hours. He pushed the door open and saw the love of his life still on the floor. He dropped everything on the floor and rushed towards Yoongi. He sat on the floor next to him and scooped the younger in his arms.

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