Chapter 5: Jin.

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Were dates normally boring, or was it just him? Jin looked at his date and smiled. The guy was handsome, there was no doubt about that. His hair was black like the midnight sky. His skin was tanned, and his smile was so pretty. Kim Seokjin was never one to be swept by something as simple as looks. He wanted connection, someone to bond with, someone who understands him and his sassiness, someone that accept him for the person he is.

He remembered the last date he was on, eight months ago. It was simply brutal, and left him heartbroken and disappointed. His then date, Yang Kyunghoon, whom he thought was the one. They talked everyday via Instagram and slowly but surely, Jin began to develop a liking for this man. He was down-to-earth, cute and smart. So Jin agreed to meet up with him, only to be rudely stood-up. He sat at that sunny yellow café, waiting for hours and hours, until he found himself sobbing quietly. He hated himself for trusting Kyunghoon so much, no matter how fragile that trust was in the first place.

The only good thing came out of that experience was his close friendship with Jackson Wang, an incredible dude from China. Jackson was ordering a coffee when he spotted Jin in the back, crying all alone.

"Here." He handed Jin a handkerchief, smiling softly at him. "Whoever you're crying for, they're not worth your tears."

"Thank you," Jin whispered, accepting the cloth, making Jackson smile even wider.

"May I?" Jackson asked, pointing at the seat opposite Jin.

"Of course."

"Now, can I buy you some coffee?"

Since that day, Jin was reluctant to go on a date again, but the guy sitting in front of him now, had practically gone down on his knees and finally Jin had agreed. He was really regretting going now, as this dude was not letting him speak. He was going on and on about his work, his coworkers, his drunk adventures, not giving Jin a chance to open his mouth.

This date was going nowhere and it really showed. He put on a fake smile and tuned his date out, instead focusing on praying to ANYONE who would listen, to send a glowing meteorite over the darned building. He couldn't stand a second more of this dude's babbling. He patted the man's hand to get his attention.

"Yes, Seokjin?" The man looked up at him with starry eyes, showing how marveled he was by Jin's beauty.

"PATHETIC!" Jin's mind screamed. "Excuse me for a moment, I need to use the restroom." He had no intention of going back. He debated whether to dash to the door, but their table was too close to the exit, so he opted for the other best alternative, slipping through the bathroom door.

The window was fairly big. He opened it, pushed himself up, and stopped when he heard a crack. He tried to move, but soon realized he got stuck. He couldn't move without ripping out his pants.

"Can't a man escape a bad date without getting stuck on a window panel that's high as fuck? OH MY GOD, the ground looks so far down!" He was starting to panic.

It was fairly high, and possibilities of him getting hurt rushed through his head. He had no other option than call his friend. Jackson already knew about his date and place, so it was easy to find him. He managed to get a hold of his phone after a few moments of struggling, and dialed his number.


"Jacky....uh, its Jin." He bit his lower lips ashamed of the mess he was in.

"I know. What is it? Who's house did you burn down this time?" Jackson asked with a chuckle.

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