Chapter 26: Namjin.

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"Hey Jin." Jeongguk placed a blue folder on the assistant's desk. "Here is the approved balance sheet for the last three months."

"Thank you. I'll take it to the billing today." Jin smiled softly at his boss, but noticed something else. "Ok, spill it."

Jeongguk grinned. He placed his hands in his pockets and swirled on his toes. "Is it that obvious?"

"Very. So what did you do?" Jin plopped his elbow on his desk and his head on his palm.

Jeongguk looked to his right and left, making sure no one can hear them. "I made love with Yoongi."

"You like him, huh?" Jin smiled widely.

Jeongguk looked down at his feet. He remembered Yoongi's words, and sadness crept inside his chest. "I don't know what to do honestly. He thinks so poorly of himself, I don't think he'll ever give me a chance."

Jin's smile disappeared. "I had the same vibe. But Gguk, if you really care for him, go all out. I know he likes you, if the blush on his face is any indication."

"Hyung, you really think I should?" Jeongguk asked, hope glistening in his eyes.

"Yes. I know you won't ever hurt him. And trust me when I say, Yoongi is exactly what you need. He's kind, sweet, thoughtful, hard working. He's not one to look at the money aspect."

"I know." Jeongguk ran his hand through his hair. "Ok. I'm gonna go full prince Charming."

"You can go all Romeo." Jin grinned.

"I'm not planning on murdering my future husband, thank you very much."

"Look who's planning ahead." Jin wiped an invisible tear. "I'm so proud."

"Cut it, hyung." Jeongguk had a tint of red blush on his cheeks.

"So cuteeee..." Jin ruffled his hair.

"Hyuuunnnggg..." Jeongguk whined like a baby.

Jin burst out laughing. "Such a cute baby."

"Hello." Namjoon said unsure. Seeing Jin laugh with his boss, saddened him. What if they were together and he was coming between them?

"Oh, Mr. Kim. Nice to see you here." Jeongguk smiled as he shook the other's man hand.

"Hello Mr. Jeon. I...." He let his words trailed off, avoiding his gaze.

Jeongguk smiled and turned his attention back to his assistant. He could see that Namjoon was uncomfortable, he didn't want to add more to his plate. "Jin, don't forget to take the folder. I'm going back in my office. Nice to meet you, Mr. Kim."

"Please call me Namjoon."

"Ok Namjoon. Call me Jeongguk." He took a step forward. "If you need anything, I'll be in my office." He winked at Jin.

Jin shook his head. "Are those for me?" He pointed out at the flower bouquet Namjoon was trying to hide behind his back.

Namjoon looked at his feet, scratched the back of his head, his face fully red. "Y-yeah." He stuttered. He gave the flowers to Jin and avoided his gaze. "I wanted to surprise you."

Jin's eyes watered. The bouquet was made of purple peonies with white roses. "It's beautiful." He whispered. No one brought him flowers. Ever.

"Do you know what it symbolizes?" Namjoon tilted his head and smiled, admiration and love pouring out of his eyes.

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