Chapter 74: The twins.

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Jungkook did not expect to find his brother in law on a hospital bed, hooked on different machines. When Jeongguk called and told him that Yoongi had gone through a car accident, he was shocked. So shocked, he could barely function properly. After the shock had surpassed, he quickly booked his flight and came back.

Taehyung came with him. He didn't want to let the older come back alone, especially since he went on the holiday just for him, for their relationship. Their trip only lasted for three days. Jeongguk was sitting by his husband's bed, holding his hand as silent prayers left his lips. At first he didn't want to call his brother, but he was lost. Between staying by his husband's side, taking care of their girls and working, he could barely function. It wasn't easy being in three places at once, and he couldn't have the girls in the hospital with them.

"Gguk..." Jungkook whispered, his voice thick with emotions. The CEO rose to his feet and rushed into the warm embrace of his twin. He needed that. He was at his wit ends. "He's going to be fine." Jungkook said as he patted his brother's back.

Taehyung too stepped inside the hospital room, placing the flowers he had brought into a vase. He took Yoongi's hand and rubbed his knuckles. "What did the doctor say?" He turned around.

Jeongguk wiped his face with his hand. He looked awful. His shirt was crumpled, his hair disheveled and he had dark bags under his eyes. "Fortunately nothing important was affected, but he had a severe blow to his head. Nothing showed up at scans." He explained as he sat back down next to his bed.

"The girls?" Jungkook asked.

"They are with Namjoon's parents. When they heard about the accident, they offered to help me."

"Good." Jungkook patted his shoulder. "He's strong. He's gonna wake up soon." He leaned down and kissed Yoongi's forehead.

"I don't understand why him." Jeongguk burst out crying. He had never felt so helpless and weak. "Why would someone target him?"

"You said it was an accident." Taehyung narrowed his eyes. "How did it happen?"

"It's not really clear. The police suspects that he was targeted, unfortunately there's no evidence of foul play. They are still checking." He took a deep breath. "Kook, can you bring the girls here? Ji keeps asking for Yoon."

"Sure. I'll call Mr. Kim."

"What can I do?" Taehyung offered. He wanted to help with something, anything.

The CEO smiled. He was too tired to even think. He had spend the last three days by his husband's side. He didn't eat or rest. He couldn't even close his eyes, scared it would be the last time he will see the love of his life.

"Thank you." Jeongguk replied earnestly. He was grateful for any help he can get. "Can you drop by the office? I haven't been there since the accident happened."

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of the company until Yoon will get better." Taehyung assured him. "If there's anything I can do, let me know."

The CEO was touched. He had never expected Taehyung to offer his help. Maybe he had misjudged him. "Thank you. It means a lot."

"You should get some rest. You look drained." Jungkook pointed out.

The CEO shook his head. He was terrified of sleeping. What of something happens to Yoongi and he wasn't there? What would he do then? "No. I'm fine. Bring the girls please."

Jungkook sighed. "I'll be back soon."

Before Taehyung stepped out of the room, walking behind his boyfriend, Jeongguk grabbed his wrist. He turned around to face the older. "Take care of my brother. I beg you."

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