Chapter 44: Yoongguk part 2.

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Yoongi felt like he was drowning. If he was to point out the unluckiest man on the planet, he would point at himself. First, his parents completely forgotten about him, then he chose art as his major. Later, he was homeless, no money, a job that will only last maybe another month, and now on top of everything, he was pregnant. Did he love Jeongguk? Of course he did. He didn't know how, or when it happened, but it did. He wished he could take it back. To put all his feelings inside a bag and deliver it in the middle of nowhere, where no other human can find it.

Love is what breaks people. It makes you dream of a future that is not even possible. It makes you hope. It brings the best in you. It beguiles you. Love means nothing but pain. He wanted to rip his heart out of chest, stamp on it multiple times until nothing was left behind. He wanted to go back in the dark, where his hope was nonexistent.

Why did Jeongguk have to be so perfect, so kind? So beautiful inside out? Why did Yoongi have to fall in love with him? What's with his fate that only gives him glimpses of what he wants, but fails to deliver? Yes, Jeongguk said he wanted the baby, but did he really? Tears were rolling down his cheeks as he was curled in a ball on the bed, contemplating about his life. He draw the short end of the stick. Love, happiness, were just a mirage of life that only pointed out the broken mirror of his soul. He will cry all night. He will cry his pain, and tomorrow he will wash his face and move on. He will do everything in his power to make sure his baby will be taken care of, even if he was in the child's life or not. He won't pity himself. He will find a way. A way to survive, to fight. If not for him, at least for his little bean of light inside his tummy.

Jeongguk came back home, only to find it dark and silent. With a sigh he sat on the couch, his head leaned back. A few meters away, laying in bed was the love of his life, now pregnant with his child and he felt powerless. How pathetic one can be? He should have done more. Made Yoongi see his feelings. Maybe that was the problem. He didn't put his heart on a silver platter. He didn't confess. He only told the babysitter that he likes him when the reality was way far from that. Jeongguk loved Yoongi with all his heart. He will gladly give the younger everything he has. He couldn't care less about money, prestige and fake possessions. He only cared about having his new family.

It was Yoongi's birthday. He woke up feeling rather bleak. He woke up early in the morning, as usual he trotted to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for when Jiyeon would wake up. His mood didn't perk up, not even when Jeongguk woke up and kissed his cheek then his tummy.

"Papa can't wait to hold you baby." He smiled against the soft tummy skin of his lover. "Do you have any plans for today?" Jeongguk asked his babysitter. He wanted to hold him in his arms and kiss him all over his face, while whispering happy birthday. To wait for the night and drag the moon and place it at his feet. To gather all the stars on the sky and put them in his eyes.

"I want to go visit my parents." It was something that Yoongi did every year, not that will bring any change inside their relationship, but he craved their attention, even if it was for five minutes.

"I'll take you." Jeongguk stated as a matter of fact, leaving no room for arguments.

"No. I can go there myself. Plus, you need to pick up Jiyeon from school." Yoongi dismissed his offering.

Jeongguk took a deep breath, putting his hands on Yoongi's shoulders and looked into his eyes. "Yoon, you are pregnant with my child. I need to make sure you are perfectly safe all the time. I'm not saying that I don't trust you, it's a compulsion of mine to see you. And... Jiyeon will be staying today with Jungkook and Taehyung."

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