Chapter 62: Jihope.

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Hoseok felt that Jimin had withdrawn himself. He felt like his boyfriend didn't talk much, and when he did, he mostly fussed about the things he didn't like. Not to mention his food cravings, that drove Hoseok crazy. Who eats tacos with strawberry ice cream and mustard? That was a combination he would never try.

Jimin spent most of his days with Yoongi taking care of Jungkook, or share their experiences regarding their pregnancies. So, Hoseok had prepared a small surprise for him. He picked Jimin up from Jeongguk's place and drove to the edge of the town. There was a trail that went to a small flower field.

"Are you going to kill me here?" Jimin joked as he was carried by Hoseok, together with a picnic basket.

Hoseok chuckled. "Of course not. But I do wish I could speed up the time so we can meet our baby sooner."

"That would be great, wouldn't it?" Jimin smiled. He couldn't wait to hold their precious bean. On the other hand, he was afraid of it. What of he would to fall into a postpartum depression that kept him away from taking proper care of their child? There were too many things that kept him awake at night.

"Here we are." Hoseok announced as he put down his boyfriend and prepared their picnic spot.

Jimin was awe. The sweet smell of different flowers was filling his nostrils, the peacefulness of the place gave him calmness and positivity. He could do that. He realized, he could be a good appa to their child. He will be. As long as he had Hoseok's love, there wasn't a thing he could do. He jumped in his boyfriend's arms and kissed him long and tender.

"Thank you." A tear rolled down his cheek. "I love it."

Hoseok smiled and wiped his tears away. The happiness pouring out from Jimin, worth all the diamonds in the world. The bright smile he loved so much, was adorning his face like a precious jewel. This is how his lover should always be. Smiling and radiating that pure warmth of an angel. An angel that made his way into his life under the dazzling lights of a night club.

"Your smile is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I don't think I'll ever be able to express in words what you mean to me." He placed his hand on Jimin's belly. "You are giving me one of the most amazing gifts one can receive." He lowered himself and kissed the swollen tummy. "Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for forgiving my stupidity." He took a small box from his pocket and opened it. In there, was a small beautiful ring. A big stone in the middle and smaller ones surrounding it. "It's not a diamond ring. The stones are made by glass. It's a reminder for myself that relationships are fragile. One small mistake can break us up. Jimin, I want to love you as if you were made out of glass. I want to hold you in my arms and protect you forever. Will you make me the honor of being my one and forever husband?"

Hoseok's words were filled with honesty. Jimin was gazing at him with his caramel melted eyes, love and lust burning inside them. So much adoration and devotion felt from something so trivial as a gaze.

Jimin was speechless. Tears were running on his face. He did not expect that. He didn't expect Hoseok to propose. "Yes." He managed to say in a hoarse voice.

Hoseok slipped the ring on his finger and kissed his knuckles. Then he got up and hugged his now fiance. "I swear I will never break your trust again. I'll always be here for you, until death do us part and even in afterlife, I will search for you. I will find you even if it takes me forever."

Jimin hugged him back. "I'm hungry." He laughed through happy tears.

Every word spoken by Hoseok touched every part of his heart. They might not be perfect for one another, they might screw it up from time to time, but as long as the love they shared won't die, their life would be perfect. They only needed one another and their beautiful child. Their small family.

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