Chapter 48: Namjin.

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*****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter. The special part was written by me. I have to admit, I'm not very good when it comes to smut, but I did tried my best. Hope you like it. Let's get it.


"We all know why we gathered here, so let's get it." Jaehwa's eyes glistens with mischief.

"Not really." Mirae shrugged her shoulders. "though I think I do have an idea."

Mirae was suddenly asked to meet the Kim's at their own restaurant, Epiphany. She always wanted to try their food, yet she couldn't bring herself to waste so much money just for one meal. She was impressed it was theirs.

"Well..." Jaehwa smiled. "I called for an intervention. If we leave it to our kids, we'll never have grand kids. And my grandparent's biological clock ticks."

Mirae and Daesun burst out laughing. "Babe, I think we shouldn't push our kids." Daesun tried to reason with his husband.

"Oh, come on." Jaehwa rolled his eyes. "We're just gonna give them a little push. I like Jinnie for Joon. Not only they look perfect together, but Jin is someone I really want to see him as a son in law."

"Okay, okay." Daesun raised his hands to surrender to his husband's desires. "What should we do?"

"Wait, let's order first." Jaehwa made a sign for his waitress to come and take their order. "Scarly, please tell Mac to make his famous chocolate soufflé. I really want Mirae to taste it."

"Right away, sir." Scarlett smiled, and bowed before she left to leave the order and prepare their drinks.

"We're gonna visit Joonie and give a hint he should take Jinnie to our family cabin." Jaehwa explained his plan.

"You think he'll do it?" Mirae raised her eyebrows.

"He will. I know my son." Jaehwa winked. "We're gonna make Jackson romanticize the place before they get there."

"You've thought about everything, didn't you?" Daesun chuckled. "Don't tell me you also planned their wedding."

Jaehwa frowned. "I actually thought Mirae could take charge of it, since she's a wedding planner. Of course, I want to be a part of it too."

"Oh yes." Mirae clapped her hands. "I have the perfect people that can help us organize. We have Jay as a relationship counselor, Alexia and Teyeon to oversee everything, and Lim to deal with fashion."

"We can also bring Scarly and Amu to make sure the guests are taken care of, and Mac can bake all the goodies." Jaehwa's eyes sparkled. He could already see them at the altar, saying their vows.

"Are you really sure you want Jin in your family?" Mirae had to make sure they understood the difference between their families. "We're not on the same page, socially. At some point that will become a problem."

Daesun shrugged. "It will become a problem only if money plays an important role. Neither Namjoon, or us, have that problem. We don't care about money. Money, can come and go. What's important, it's the person you go to after a long day at work."

Jaehwa smiled and took his husband's hand into his. "We always thought our sons to look into someone's heart rather than wallet. If there's love, respect, patience, you can do anything. Including bringing money."

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