Chapter 3: Hoseok.

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Jung Hoseok was at a business meeting with some potential associates. He had chosen the extravagant Amber Club to host it. It had feel-good music, a great atmosphere and a rather outstanding drink collection. He had his eyes on the two very put-together men in front of him, patiently waiting for their response to his proposal. He smiled brightly, which was usually the key to disarm his opponents. It really helped that his smile looked like the sun.

Most felt comfortable around him, but they also knew not to mess with him. He was dressed in a black pantsuit and white dress shirt unbuttoned at the collarbone, exposing his smooth chest, as he relaxed on the velvet couch.

"So, gentlemen?" Hoseok raised his eyebrow, "The deal is more than convenient, and we all know that it's hard to find a better one." The men obviously didn't doubt that. Aside from being a sincere businessman, Hoseok was a man of his words. He never made promises that he knew he would break. The two men looked at each other, and gave a curt nod. "Very well, I would like for you to sign here, and here." Hoseok flipped the pages of the contract, sealing their deal.

The men quickly signed the papers and Hoseok shook their hands. He waited until the men got lost on the dancing ring and sent a text to his boss to let him know the deal was done and his driver will shortly be there with the contracts. He finished the content of his glass and leaned his back, his legs open wide.

He just closed of a big deal for the company he worked for and now he was in search to have a good time. A small reward for a well done job, which meant, a new prey. His eyes scanned the tables that were close to him, yet, no one grabbed his attention. Everyone seemed dull and uninteresting. He wasn't very picky when it came to looks, he was more of an attitude kind of guy, good looks were just a mere bonus.

A deep sigh escaped his lips as he was about to give up, until his eyes landed on what he thought it was perfection. His eyes widen, his lips parted, and for a second he forgot how to breath. If the earth decided to split in two, he wouldn't have noticed. There, on the edge of the dancing ring, a boy got his attention. It was more than that. It was as if everyone paled in comparison and the light shone on him.

The guy was dressed in a pair of black ripped leather pants with a black jacket buttoned in the middle, showing off his chest and stomach. His smooth skin was on full display and the chain harness he wore underneath, made him look like a demon straight out of hell to feed on human desires. Hoseok got up from his seat and made his way towards the boy. His pink hair was glowing under the club lights.

It wasn't the clothes he was wearing that caught his attention, was his everything. His perfect face with his chiseled jawline. His body that was moving in a way meant to seduce. His plum lips, that were made to be kissed. He could almost see himself tracing them with his thumb, with his tongue, his tiny waist, his cute belly button. The way his leather pants were glued to his legs, making his thick thighs to stand out. His ass was making him salivate. He closed his eyes imagining what it would be like to touch his skin, to bite his inner thighs, to plunge himself into his tight little hole. Yes, he found his prey. A beautiful, perfect breathing doll. An ethereal being. An angel.

Jimin sensed a pair of eyes on him and turned around. His eyes met Hoseok's and smirked. He moved his body to the sound of music, his hand trailed from his chest to his crotch, putting on a show for the man with a sunny smile on his face.

Hoseok's eyes were burning with desire. He wanted to touch him, to posses him, to bring him to the edge on insanity. To pleasure the boy, to break all his restraints, to see how far he will survive.

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