Chapter 24: Yoongguk.

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******Author's Note*****

The special part of this chapter, was brought to you by my metaphorical child, ParkYuuna22.

Please show my baby some love. I'm so proud of you. You did an amazing job. Love you ❤.


When Yoongi opened his eyes, he didn't expect to wake up in the arms of his boss, or more likely, on top of his boss, his left cheek squeezed on the CEO's chest. He tried to wiggle his way out without making too many moves, but he was rendered useless when Jeongguk's arms tightened around his waist. With a sigh, he relented.

He made himself comfortable in the arms of the man who would literally knock the air out of him with just his eyes. Memories of last night played in his mind. Yoongi made dinner, like every night since he moved in, they ate, talked about their day and decided to watch a movie. Somehow he must of fallen asleep during the movie, otherwise he wouldn't have been caught dead in that position. He couldn't deny how good it felt though, his even breath was soothing his beating heart. The warmth of his body was making his own body burn.

"Relax kitten." The hoarse voice of the CEO echoed through the silent room. "You're too stiff."

Yoongi tried to get up, and without wanting to, his knee touched Jeongguk's crotch. The CEO released an involuntary moan. Yoongi raised his head and saw the man underneath him, lips parted and eyes closed.

"I..." He took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "I should make us breakfast."

Jeongguk sighed and released the younger from his arms. "Just go."

Yoongi got up and almost ran towards the kitchen. He was disappointed. Holding his kitty in his arms all night long, listening to his cute little snores, was the most blissful night he had ever had. He groaned as he got up and went to his room. He will take a shower first then get out to eat.

Yoongi took a couple of deep breaths to steady his heart. Lately, the tension between them would suffocate him. Not just once he went to bed with his cock aching, his hole screaming for attention, and the fact that his boss was doing everything in his power to always sit close to him, accidentally brushing his hand against his, didn't help either. Or the CEO's tight pants suit that hugged his delicious thighs, he wanted nothing more than bite them. He palmed his growing erection as he closed his eyes, imagining his boss touching him, parting his legs and bite his perky nipples. A moan escaped his lips, as the pressure against his crotch increased.

Jeongguk was about to enter the bathroom when the sound of a moan stopped him in his tracks. He quietly made his way to the kitchen and smirked seeing Yoongi touching himself. The sight was breathtakingly beautiful, the lewd sounds were music to his ears. A plan formed in his mind. Yes, he was perfectly aware that what he was doing wasn't professional, but he couldn't help himself.

The green haired man made a home inside his heart, and he won't ever give it up. He had encountered many men and women who practically crawled at his feet, yet, neither of them sparked an interest, because he knew, in their eyes he was worth as much as his bank account.

Yoongi didn't ask for much. He worked hard, Jeongguk's penthouse apartment was spotless, cooked food was always waiting on the table, a good conversation and genuine smiles. That's what he wanted. He wanted to come home after a hard day at work and just relax in the arms of his beloved. Just as in business, as well as in his private life, Jeongguk wasn't one to waver. He never thought that he could find someone to like him for who he was. Yes, was also aware of the fact that he paid the man, yet, somehow there was a thin line of friendship being drawn. Line he wanted very much to cross.

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