Chapter 58: Namjin.

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The last four days, were chaotic at best. Between finding out who was messing with the company, to making sure Jungkook was taken care of, everything was just a big mess. The boy refused to talk, making everyone worried. Jeongguk told them to focus on the company, while Yoongi and Jimin, will focus on Jungkook. Currently, they were in the CEO's office, together with Daniel Kang, the D.A.

"You can't go to a hacker." Daniel sighed. "The proof will not be admissible in court."

"Why not?" Jin asked. Proof was proof, regardless how was found.

"There were some cases where hacked emails were accepted in court, however those emails were critical for the case." Daniel explained. "What you are suggesting, is hacking into the offshore account of a bank. That's illegal. A proof received through illegal means is not acceptable. It may also lead to imprisonment."

"Shit." Jin crossed his arms on his chest. "It's ridiculous."

"Not really." Daniel shrugged. "I believe this actually leads the law to be done in a proper, legal way."

"Yeah, but if we don't find now the culprit, Jeongguk can go to prison for things he didn't do." Jin pointed out.

"Can you get a search warrant?" Namjoon thought that it may be their only hope. It was legal, and also done by the competent authorities.

"If you go for a warrant, wouldn't that be risky for me?" Jeongguk asked, terrified that it will pin point to him, though he didn't do anything.

"I have the right person to deal with this case. He's smart, quiet, and he knows what to do. Kim Woosung. He's the best in the business." Daniel will make it happen. He saw the proof, but it wasn't irrefutable.

"Let's say it gets to the trial." Hoseok was the one to ask. "How can we defend ourselves?"

"A possible defense is that the defendant did not have any knowledge of the criminal proceeds. Another possible defense is proving that there is no connection between the property in question and the crime." Daniel further explained.

"We can do that." Hoseok finally breathed. "We can prove he didn't know."

"How?" Daniel raised his eyebrow. "It's not enough to say that he didn't know. You need tangible proof. Receipts."

"Talk to Woosung. We'll give him everything we have and what he may need. Just, tell him not to make too much noise. I don't want the culprit to hear about that and go into hiding." Jeongguk instructed.

"Are you sure about this? What we have now, points directly to you." Jin was worried.

"I'm going to be fine. I'm innocent." Jeongguk wasn't feeling too optimistic. Whoever was doing that, clearly wanted him behind bars. "Let's take the day off. I'm going home to my family."

Jin understood. There were too many things to deal with. No wonder Jeongguk looked like he hadn't got a good night's sleep in days, no matter how much the CEO said he was fine. He was not fine.

After they left the office, Namjoon had to come to the club to take care of some things, and of course Jin wanted to be a supportive boyfriend and be there for him, but he did not expect this. Jin was sitting on a bar stool, his eyes glaring at the woman who was talking to Namjoon, even placing her hand on his arms.

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