Chapter 7: Jeongguk.

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The Amber Club was more impressive than he expected to be. When he reserved it for the night, he though that there won't be any arrangements made, yet, the interior was beautiful decorated. With soft hues of white and red, staff serving glasses of champagne the moment they entered, the couches neatly arranged, it looked sophisticated.

Jeongguk definitely approved. He decided to have a company party, together with their staff and investors. Their new line of gender-less clothing reached their peak, it became a trend to wear one of the Jeon Revella clothing item. It brought quite the fame. Unfortunately, credit couldn't be given to the one that actually came up with the idea. The man behind Jeon Jeongguk CEO, his brother Jungkook.

"Hello Mr. Jeon." Namjoon, the owner of the club came to greet him, shaking his hand. "I hope everything is for your liking."

Jeongguk nodded. "Yes. Thank you Mr. Kim for hosting the party for us. I'm glad that you were able to squeeze us in a such a short time."

Namjoon smiled. "My pleasure. My friend is very much fond of your brand, I couldn't say no."

Jeongguk laughed and threw his head slightly on the back. That's when he saw him. An angel dancing in the fluorescent light. His breath stuck in his throat as his eyes didn't move. It appeared as if the angel was floating, he could even imagine the sound if its laughter, a soft beautiful melody meant to amend his soul.

Namjoon raised his eyebrow and turned around to see what the CEO was staring at. Yoongi was pole dancing. He bit his lower lip to force himself not to laugh. Most likely Jackson made Yoongi dance at the pole. At least his friend was having a blast, it was all that it mattered. Seeing that the CEO hasn't taken his eyes from Yoongi, Namjoon became a bit uncomfortable. He cleared his throat to get his attention.

Jeongguk blinked a couple of times, he forgot he was staring, but he couldn't take his eyes of the person that stole his attention. There was something rooted deep inside that was pulling him towards the angel. His angel. "I apologize." He said in a small voice, a bright shade of pink colored his cheeks. "I didn't know you offered pole dancing. Is that something I can experience?"

Jeongguk would have never believed in a million years that he will get to ask that question. Pole dancing, striptease, or actual clubbing weren't quite his style. He preferred staying at home, a good book in his hand and a cup of tea. He couldn't deny that he wanted to be the receiving end of that dance. He wanted to get to know the beauty that seemed like a dream.

Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows. Last thing he wanted was Yoongi being used for some CEO's creepy fantasies. He would never force anyone to do someone like that, more so in his club.

"I'm sorry Mr. Jeon. That's just my brother having fun with his friend. Is that going to be a problem?"

A string of pain shot through his heart. The feeling was foreign to him. He pressed his hand to his chest, making sure his heart was still beating. The other man once again cleared his throat, reminding him that he was waiting for an answer.

Jeongguk shook his head. "No. There is no problem. Thank you for everything Mr. Kim. This evening is quite lovely."

"Now, if you'll excuse me." Namjoon bowed before leaving.

Jeongguk too had to take care of something. He spotted his twin brother by the bar, drinking shot after shot, that couldn't be good. He made his way towards him and placed his hand on his brother's shoulder.

"How are you, Kook?"

"Fine." Jungkook replied dryly as he chucked down another shot of tequila.

"I want you to know that nothing would have been possible if it weren't for you. You brought this idea and as always it worked, you should be the one they call CEO."

Jeongguk couldn't say to anyone that the clothing line was in fact his brother's idea. If he would to admit it, the idea would have been denied. His family should have given Jungkook more credit. He was responsible, good with his finances, actually, he never once did something to discredit the family name. He didn't smoke, didn't whore around, last relationship he had was two years ago. He really didn't understand why his brother was the one hated when he literally did nothing wrong.

Jungkook smiled bitterly, his eyes were dull, not even the bar lights were able to make them shine. "That's something I'm not interested in. Thank you, but no thank you."

"This wouldn't have been possible without you. They might not be able to see it now, but maybe one day."

"I wouldn't count on that. Anything that starts with Jungkook, turns our parents tone deaf."

Jeongguk sighed. "I can't see you like this Kook. I don't know what to do to make it better."

Jungkook shook his head. In his opinion, his brother already did everything. "Just don't leave me like the rest." He admitted in a moment of weaknesses.

People abandoned him. Pushed him away as if he was some used trash. Used him for his name without knowing that the Jeon name wasn't as special as everyone believed. They all said he should have been grateful for the family he was in, yet, he couldn't find a reason to do so. He was the misfit, the impossible, the black sheep of the family. What they didn't know, black sheep were always telling the truth. They were deemed that way by society for their loud voices, for the fact that they would never lower their head in submission.

"Kook, are you alright?" Jeongguk asked, worried by the lack of response. "You're scaring me."

Jungkook gave his brother a fake smile. "Of course I am. I'm always alright."

Jeongguk was reluctant to believe him, yet the look on his brother's face stopped him from questioning him further. "You can always come to me. I hope you know that."

Jungkook nodded. He knew that, of course, but he never wanted to burden his brother with his problems, Gguk had his own. "I know."

Jeongguk patted his shoulder before quietly leaving.

Jungkook took out his phone and checked his Twitter. His eyes bugled out from the sockets upon seeing that VanTe accused him of cheating during their games. He could be accused of many things, but not cheating. So he looked for a private place and recorded a video message for VanTe, which surely piss him off. At that point, Jungkook really didn't care. He was way too drunk to even think straight. He wouldn't normally get drunk, but he was disappointed in himself and the world around him.  

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