Chapter 28: Jeongguk.

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Jin was looking through the glass door at his boss talking to his mother, Mrs. Jeon. He released a deep sigh. Whenever the assistant's mind wondered off to the matriarch of the Jeon family, Jin would use, in the privacy of his home of course, the words 'such a bitch'. Not even one employee liked the elders. They all stayed and worked exclusively for Jeongguk.

When the news spread out within the company, that the elders Jeons were leaving for a long business trip, even the maintenance guy danced. Well, Jin, may or may not have been dancing with the said guy. Everyone in the building couldn't wait for the day when the patriarch of the family to simply renounce his power, and let Jeongguk take over completely.

Inside the office, Jeongguk, was biting his inner cheeks, in an attempt not to lash out at his own mother. He was deeply disturbed by her stupid demands. 'Don't let Jiyeon spend time with Jungkook.' Or, 'don't let Jiyeon get attached to that pathetic babysitter'. Now, Jeongguk was overly pissed. Whenever his brother was mentioned, and now his new found love, he was getting harder and harder to be controlled. Nonetheless, he took a deep breath, stared his mother in the eyes, and simply said 'yes mother'. Of course he wasn't going to abide her rules.

Jiyeon was Jungkook's fountain of happiness, and he wanted nothing more than have his siblings spend time together and bond. And speaking of his love, Yoongi, he really wanted Jiyeon to approve. He couldn't wait to have her in his care. To go home after a long hard meeting and spend time with his favorite people, which also included Jungkook of course.

"Mother, you worry too much." Jeongguk said dryly as he tried to tune off his mother's word vomit on how much she hated leaving her poor baby alone. Not that she'd really care. Or maybe she did care, just made a poor judgment call on how to show it.

Jiyeon, was dressed in a black blouse with white dots on it and a light beige voile skirt. She looked so small and cute, Jeongguk wanted nothing more than hug her and tickle her tummy, but he wasn't allowed to show his affection in front of their parents. She had her head held up, her back straight, her arms in a straight position, down her little frame. Jihee, transformed her daughter in a typical rich, snob girl. Thankfully, she had her brothers to steer her in the right direction. Neither of them wanted her to be as ruthless, or damaged as their mother.

Jihee turned her attention to her daughter. "Stand straight, don't eat too much and don't laugh too much either. We don't want people to think we've raised a lunatic." She chastised with a cold look on her face.

"Yes mommy." Jiyeon replied.

Jeongguk's heart broke at his mother's words. Poor Jiyeon wasn't even allowed to laugh with her friends, or do anything that would show her age.

"Ok." Jihee straightened her back and patted her Hermes jacket. "I'm going now. You have my number in case you need us."

Jeongguk fought the urge to roll his eyes. "Yes, mother. Don't worry. Have a safe trip."

"I will." She said before leaving, she didn't forget to send a dark look towards the assistant, who made himself busy with some paperwork.

As soon as she was out of sight, Jin burst through the door and hugged little Jiyeon. "Oh, baby." Jin beamed as he hugged and spin the little sunflower. "I've missed you so much. I'm so happy you'll be spending time with Gguk."

Jiyeon laughed at the antics of the older and wrapped her little hands around his neck, giving him a small peck on his cheek. "Missed you too Jinnie oppa."

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