Chapter 60: Taekook.

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It's said that rain can wash away the pain, and when the sky is cleared, a new day would begin with new hopes. Unfortunately, that isn't always true. There are pains that nothing can cure them. Scars are are deeper than skin. Scars that go straight to one's heart. Jungkook will never be the same. His life, will always be empty. He will always be afraid to care for another person. Afraid to believe empty words. Afraid to love.

He had given Taehyung his all. He lowered his walls, made as little sound as he could. Did everything he could to keep up their relationship. In the end it wasn't enough. He will never be enough. Ever since he got out of the hospital, his will to live had go down. He didn't want to talk, walk, or even exist. He felt like he was drowning in despair.

He leaned his head on the steamy window, listening to the rain pouring outside. He was next to the window, hugging his knees and his head lowered. He could cry for days to an end, and it would still solve nothing. The emptiness, the loneliness, was far too greater. He accepted everything Taehyung did to him, he accepted being played like a violin, just because he didn't want him to leave. He loved his thorns more than he loved the rose in itself. Taehyung never showed his rose, he only pierced Jungkook's heart with its thorns.

Thinking back, it wasn't all the bad. Taehyung did have his sweet moments. Like that trip in Italy. Jungkook had never felt that much love. The way Taehyung's eyes sparkled while looking at him. His kisses, his arms around Jungkook's body. The sweet moment on the rooftop, or how they shared some of their stories. Then, it all came crushing down. Love, is so fragile. One tiny mistake and will go away like a leaf during a strong wind. Jungkook trusted empty words and pretty eyes.

Disguised touches and rough love making. And it wasn't even him who had suffered that much. Their baby. A little being that was growing inside his tummy, a soul he didn't know it was there, suffered the most and paid with its life. Jungkook was as guilty as Taehyung. He should have known. He should have taken care of himself. Now, it's gone. He will never find love, or get to be called an appa again. He will never find that one person that will love him the way he dreamed of. Someone that will glue his pieces together and make him whole.

No one will want him now. No one will have that much patience. All his dreams, his hopes, ended up as nothing. He knew it wasn't fair for his brother, or Yoongi. It wasn't fair to stay with them just as they were starting their new life together. He was like a dark cloud looming over their happiness.

"Kookie, can I come in?" Jiyeon asked in a small voice.

"Yes." Jungkook wiped his tears away, took a deep breath and smiled softly.

Even if smiling was something he didn't feel like doing, he had to, for the sake of his little sister. Jiyeon entered his room and slipped beside him, wrapping her small hands around her brother. She didn't say anything as she did so.

Jungkook closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of her body. He had a feeling that she somehow knew he needed that. It was soothing knowing that someone didn't see him as a burden, or a broken toy.

"I'm here now, Kookie oppa. Jiji is here." She tightened her hold on him.

"Thank you, baby." He leaned his head on hers.

Sometimes, you just need a hug. A hug that doesn't question your motives, your choices. A hug that is honest and warm. He might not have anything else in his life, but as long as his baby sister will come to him, he would be fine. He will survive. Somehow, he will go on, as broken as he was.

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