Chapter 41: Taekook.

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'I'm here.'

This simple sentence was playing inside his mind like a broken record. For many, that sentence doesn't hold anything special, yet for Jungkook, that sentence meant everything. It was Yoongi's way of letting him know that he wasn't alone. That he could always talk to the babysitter about everything, that he would listen without judging.

What was astonishing, was how Yoongi knew what Jungkook needed. His perfectly crafted mask did not fool the babysitter, he saw right through it, thing that not many can do. Not many could see beyond fake laughter and dead eyes. Not many could read the deep sadness that drowned him in despair.

Yoongi did, and offered to be his shoulder to cry on. Was Yoongi the same as he was? Did the babysitter suffered through similar hardships? He hoped not. Yoongi's soul was gentle, calm, soothing, warm, motherly. Jungkook felt more connected to Yoongi than his own mother. Yoongi will never tell him 'go sleep it off' or brush his feelings like they never existed before. It took one small sentence to understand that the babysitter was not someone who would laugh seeing someone in pain. He saw how Jiyeon was treated by him. So much care, attention and love, something that was deeply missing in their lives. He was so happy that his brother found someone so worthy of him.

Jeongguk deserves someone like Yoongi. Someone that would make him live his life and make his days filled with happiness and laughter. Someone who will see him for who the CEO was. A loving brother and amazing friend, the kindest person Jungkook has met. Jeongguk was his role model. There was never a competition between them. Only love and respect.

Jungkook can say that he finally felt like he was living. Now, when Jeongguk or Hoseok would ask him how he was, Jungkook could respond with 'I'm fine' and it would be true. He had no idea how, or when it happened, but Taehyung changed. He felt like his boyfriend listened to him, took note of what he liked and disliked. Not only that, but also spent quite the time together. They would have dinner on the roof of the building, they would take evening walks through the park, and their love making wasn't that rough as before. Jungkook was as happy as he could be. Yet, he didn't believe in it. He kept on waiting for the coin to flip. Whenever he was happy, something always happened. He didn't trust this new found happiness.

Hope was the thing that messed up with his head. He hoped, and hoped, but nothing really worked. He hoped his parents would show him at least a modicum of love, that didn't happen. He hoped he will find that amazing, soul singing love, that will swipe him off his feet, instead, he got a failed relationship with someone who used him, and Taehyung. For him, love was like a person who got lost in the desert, while searching for a water supply of some sort. And when that person finally sees it, he doubts it is real, but the hope is there, until he tries to drink from it, only to realize it's just sand. That was terrifying. Hoping to get your happy ending, just to realize how bad you've screwed up again.

Maybe it was his fault. Maybe he wasn't shaped enough for others to like him. Maybe he was too clingy, too outspoken, too rough around his edges. Maybe that was the reason no one loved him. But he tried. Oh my god, he tried. He tried to push aside his feelings, his wants, it still didn't work. Neither things he tried worked.

His story with Taehyung was just starting. Of course it didn't start as any normal relationship would, maybe it will end up with them getting old together. He imagined them sitting on the porch of their home, watching their grandchildren playing together. That was the life that Jungkook prayed to have, but afraid he won't.

Thinking about Taehyung, made his heart beat faster. His sparkling unique eyes, his beautiful boxy smile made Jungkook's knees go weak. He was starting to fall in love with this new version of his boyfriend. He didn't know if it was a good or a bad thing. He was scared he will once again end up shattered. The loud ringing of his phone, brought him back to his senses.

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