Chapter 37: JiHope.

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"What are we doing here?" Jimin asked as his eyes scanned the room.

Hoseok considered it was time to show his boyfriend the other side of himself. So he brought Jimin to the Red District, even if he was scared. He already told the other his deepest secret, and contrary to what he believed, Jimin stayed.

"I've spent most of my free time here. Whenever I felt like I wasn't enough, or too tired to think, I would come here." Hoseok explained. "I brought you here so you can understand me better. I want to show you every part that makes me, me. I just hope I won't end up loosing you."

Jimin smiled and intertwined their hands together, a soft look in his eyes. "You won't." He understood how difficult it was for his boyfriend to show him his deepest comer of his soul, and he was grateful for that. It takes a great deal of courage to do that.

"JHope..." A woman's voice interrupted their sweet moment.

"Hwasa." Hoseok smiled and gave her a short hug. "This is..."

Hwasa cut him off. "Let me guess." Her eyes scanned the pink hair male from head to toe. "You must be his pink hair angel."

"Hello." Jimin stretched his hand. "I'm..."

"Chimmy." Hwasa grinned. "I don't know if JHope told you, but we don't give here our real names here."

"Oh, okay." Jimin looked down at his shoes. He felt out of place with all those people around them. He had an exhibitionism kink, but seeing how comfortable people were sucking each other so in the open, didn't really suited his taste. Though he could appreciate the fact that they had a place to be themselves.

"Min is here." Hwasa said in a dry voice, looking at Hoseok. She was worried. Hoseok deserved the best, and she didn't know how his boyfriend would react to his surroundings.

Hoseok shrugged. "It should be fine." He trusted Jimin to be on his best behavior, not that the other disappointed.

"Have you told him?" Hwasa raised his eyebrow as she whispered, making sure Chimmy will not hear them.

"No. And I would appreciate it if you didn't tell him either." Hoseok replied back, knowing exactly what she was thinking about.

"He's gonna find out eventually. You brought him here when the possibility for him to meet your sub is quite high. Hopefully, Chim will not take it the wrong way." Hwasa continued. "It's gonna be..."

"Master." Min's voice startled Hoseok.

Jimin raised his eyebrow when a guy suddenly hugged his boyfriend. He kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything. He didn't want to make assumptions, but he was quite displeased with the PDA.

"Min, let me introduce you to my boyfriend. Chimmy." Hoseok wrapped his hand around his pink hair angel.

"Hello. I'm Min." He said with a smile and jumped to hug Jimin.

Jimin looked at Hoseok, then back at the male who was hugging him. "Umm. Hi."

"Oh, sorry." Min said sheepishly as he released him. "I was just excited to meet you."

Jimin liked the male. He seemed... innocent and sweet. Overly excited. "It's ok, don't worry." He patted Min's head.

"Thank you. I hope you don't mind me still calling him master. He's not anymore, please don't get the wrong idea. Is just that I owe him a lot." Min quickly explained.

"I don't mind. As long as there is nothing between you two, it's ok." Jimin explained with a smile as he held Hoseok's hand.

"Min here, was my sub before I met you." Hoseok explained. He really didn't want Jimin to feel betrayed, or unloved.

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