Chapter 52: JiHope.

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Let's change the world. One smile at a time. One kind word can change someone's life. We never know what people go through. Patience and kindness goes a long way. Let's chose to be kind, respectful and caring.


Jimin was sitting in the middle of the bed chewing his nails. Yesterday was awful, today was worse, since his guilt was eating him up. He needed to see Jungkook. Like right away. What he went through, that leaves scars deep inside one's soul, something that he might never forget. The male will definitely need someone to be there for him. To make him feel loved and secured. He cursed Tae under his breath. How could he do that? How could he destroy someone's soul and life just like that? Like it meant nothing.

Jungkook was a priority. He hastily changed his clothes and when he stepped out of the room, he bumped into Hoseok. The last thing he wanted was to tell his boyfriend that his best friend abused Jungkook. Especially knowing that Hoseok was going to lose it.

"Where are you going, baby?" Hoseok asked with a smile on his face.

Since they got back together, Hoseok dotted on his every move. He even called Mrs. Park every time he was sick due to pregnancy. Suffice to say, his mother and Hoseok were now best buds. There was nothing nothing wrong about that, he was happy they were communicating freely, but now he had two people on his trail.

Jimin gulped. "I..." He shook his head. "I wanna see Jungkook."

"I'll take you. I haven't talked to him in so long, I don't want him to think I've replaced him. Let me get my keys." Hoseok kissed his cheek.

Jimin was silent. What could he say? Firstly, it wasn't his story to tell. If Jungkook wanted to come clean, he should have that opportunity himself. Secondly, he really didn't want Hoseok to find out that way.

"Umm... Hobi? Would you mind not coming? I just need to have some time with me and Kook."

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would you see him alone?" It was a peculiar thing. On one hand, he was happy Jimin wanted to see Jungkook, on the other hand, they haven't spent that much time together.

Jimin didn't thought about that. He racked his brain finding the best answer he could come up with. He wrapped his arms around his boyfriend' s neck and smiled warmly at him. "He's your best friend. I want to know him better. You know, to bond."

"Fine. Let me take you there. I just want to see how he's doing and then I'll leave you to it." Although reluctantly, Hoseok scooped Jimin in his arms as he walked towards the car.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Babe, I'm pregnant, not invalid. I can walk by myself."

"Nope." He shook his head. "I don't want you to over exhaust yourself."

It didn't take them long to get to Jungkook's apartment. His eyes wide as saucers when he opened the door and saw the two standing there.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked as he stepped aside to make room for them to enter.

Hoseok shrugged. "Jiminie wanted to spend some time with you."

"Oh, shoo... I need to pee." He pushed them away as he walked, almost ran towards the toilet.

Jungkook raised his eyebrow, while Hoseok laughed. "Pregnancy stuff."

"No, seriously, why are you guys here?" Though he kept a blank face, he knew he couldn't keep up with his mask for too long. This wasn't a simple depression that could be hidden behind his crafted mask. What happened to him, ran deeper in his mind.

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