Chapter 63: Namjin.

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"Thank you for coming today." Soomin greeted Jaehwa and Mirae.

"What's wrong? It's not like you to call us out of the blue." Jaehwa stated as a matter of fact.

Soomin told them everything. Everything starting from what Taehyung had done, to the part where she was committed to help Jeongguk. "I need you to stand by my side as I go against the Jeons."

Mirae's eyes widened at that statement. "The Jeons?" She asked, her mouth agape.

"Yes." Soomin replied. "That Jihee bitch laughed at the pain of her son. She laughed when my grandchild died. I will not let it slide."

Mirae lowered her head. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to go through that. But I can't. I can't stand against them." She looked at the others, her eyes stung with unshed tears. "I have to protect what's mine. I'm not like you two. I have a lot to loose. Please forgive me." She took her purse and rushed out. She couldn't, even if she wanted to. She gave up on her revenge a long time ago. The well-being of her son and herself, was far more important.

"Is she alright?" Soomin asked worried. It wasn't for Mirae to react like that.

Jaehwa patted her hand. "She's going to tell us when she will be ready. For now we have to respect her decision." He didn't want to push Mirae out of her comfort zone. She herself, knew her situation better. "What are you planning to do?"

"I want to invoke a boarding meeting to give Jeongguk full power and remove Jihoon from decision making. Then, I'll hit Jihee where it hurts the most."

"Ok." Jaehwa smiled. "I'll come with you. But have you properly thought about this?"

"Yes." Soomin was quite stubborn when she wanted to be, and she was definitely dead set to protect her loved ones. "As long as you stand by me, it's going to be great."

"I'll always stand by you."

"Thank you, Jaehwa. I can't ever repay you for your kindness and friendship." Soomin admitted.

Without Jaehwa, without her best friend, she didn't know what would have become of her. Having someone by your side that you could trust completely, it was the greatest feeling in the world.

"There is no payment in friendship." Jaehwa squeezed her hand. "I'll be here whenever you need me the most."

"Thank you." Soomin thanked him from the bottom of her heart. She couldn't ask for a better friend.

"Now, give me all the details."

Namjoon didn't expect to be right in front of the Jeon's mansion. When Jungkook asked to hear the recording, he demanded that Namjoon would go with him as a backup.

Jungkook took assurance from his presence, made him feel as if he wasn't alone, and maybe he wasn't. His brother didn't tell him anything, everything he learned came from Yoongi, and to say that Jungkook was beyond upset, was an understatement. So, he pushed aside his own feelings, determined to make one thing right. Take the pressure off from his brother. Jeongguk had protected him enough, now it was his turn to do something. With a deep breath, he got inside the house. As prestigious and clean their name and their house was, the reality was other. It was full of dirt, swept under a dazzling rug and a beautiful name. Namjoon patted his shoulder to show his support. It was hard facing a person the hurt you, when it was supposed to protect you.

Jungkook smiled at the small gesture. With another deep breath, he straightened his back and raised his head. He marched directly to his mother's office. He didn't even bother to knock, he just entered as if he had all the right in the world. Which, he did. Namjoon followed his lead. Even he knew how much of a big deal was for the younger to be there, his strength was amazing.

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