Chapter 59: Hwasa.

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Hwasa clicked her tongue against her teeth and chuckled. The glass building stood proudly, tall beneath the clouds.

"Tsk, tak, tsk." She shook her head.

For a business proposition, one should definitely not be dressed in all black leather, a pair of shorts, tank top, high heels knee length boots, paired with one long jacket. Her long, black hair was falling free on her shoulders like a waterfall. Employees dressed in suits and blank looks on their faces, stared at her as if she was a three headed alien.

Hwasa almost burst out laughing at the thought. She never cared about such trivial things as looks, or money. There were things far more important than pretend to be all high and mighty. Pretend to be part of something one really wasn't.

She never valued money over people, or stuff over feelings. She had made that mistake once, and she came to regret it for the rest of her life. But she swore, she would never make that mistake again. She almost lost Solar for something that wasn't even worthy of her time. In the end, she had chosen her above all the material things. Until her parents really understood her lifestyle, they disinherited her. They came along though, as soon as they understood that her peace and love, was worth more than money could buy.

On a cold winter night, the possessions that you have, won't keep you warm. They won't whisper comforting words in your ear. They won't wrap their arms around you and say how proud of you they are for achieving your dream. No. The more people you care about are around you, the more richer you'll be. The love outweighs the material.

Hwasa arranged her clothes and looked at the mirror that was in the elevator. Once she deemed she was appropriate, she stepped out. She confidently walked towards Jeon Jihoon's office.

"He's expecting me." She dryly announced herself to his secretary.

The secretary gulped and nodded with her head. Hwasa looked powerful and dominating.

Hwasa pushed the door open, a smirk adorning her face. Instead of sitting on the seat in front of the desk, she hopped on it with her legs crossed. "Long time no see, J.J."

Jihoon looked pissed. "What are you doing here, Hwasa?"

"What? Don't tell me you didn't miss me. I feel hurt." She placed her hand above her heart and faked being hurt. "Lately, you've missed your appointments."

"You're breaking your own contracts. You're not allowed to talk outside Red District." He tried to attack her.

"Chill. It's just us." She wasn't at least bothered by his pathetic attempts to dominate her. She wasn't as weak as he thought she was.

"Again, why are you here?"

Hwasa took an envelope from her long coat, and threw it on the desk in front of him. "I came for business purposes. I'm looking to invest in your company, you know, for some extra cash." She winked at him.

"Business? That's why you came dressed as a slut?"

"My, my, Mr. Jeon. This is rich coming from someone who had a woman on a leash sucking you off, not even a month ago. Does your precious wife know that you like to play with younger women in your spare time?"

"Are you threatening me?" Jihoon glared at her.

Hwasa rolled her eyes. "Of course not. I was merely making a point. No reason to brawl, Mr. Jeon. You'll get wrinkles." Jihoon got up from his seat and tried to move closer to Hwasa, but she raised her leg and pushed Jihoon against the wall with her heel dig inside his chest. "Do you know why I like stilettos Mr. Jeon? They can be used as a murder weapon. Do NOT touch me."

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