Chapter 61: Yoongguk.

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Yoongi was pressing ice on Jeongguk's battered knuckles. When Taehyung was getting hit, he had stayed in the room with Jiyeon. She didn't need to know what was going on, much less see her brother doing stuff that could traumatize her for life. He only came out after Jimin came to pick up Taehyung, since the latter was already seen by a doctor.

"I'm not going to scold you." Yoongi said softly. "I do wish you'd never do this kind of stuff. It's not you."

"I know." Jeongguk sighed and lowered his head. "I just... He raped him, Yoon." Just thinking about it, made him want to go after Taehyung, this time to kill him. "I'm so stupid. I'm such a failure. I can't even do one thing right."

Yoongi took off the ice and sat on the CEO's lap and gently tucked his hair behind his ear. "Honey, you did nothing wrong. You can't control what others do, and you can't control your brother either."

"What is that supposed to mean? You think this is Jungkook's fault?" Jeongguk was struggling to keep his tone of voice lowered. He didn't want to raise his voice at his lover.

"Of course not. Jungkook told me what you said to him. You have to understand that it's his choice. If he ever forgives Taehyung, which I really hope won't be the case since the man is a walking red flag, it won't be our choice to make."

Jeongguk wrapped his arms around his waist and leaned his head on his shoulder. "I just want him to be happy. I tried to talk to him, convince him to press charges, he doesn't want to. I don't know what to do."

"It's hard for him. I understand that. All we can do is to assure him it's not his fault, and make him feel loved. Gguk, at this point I think Jungkook needs professional help. He needs to talk to someone about it. We can only support him thus far, but we're not psychologists."

"Should I hire one?" The CEO would asked unsure. He was afraid Jungkook will only blame himself more.

"It wouldn't hurt to try. We need to do something. I can't even imagine how broken he must feel. Not only about the un-consensual acts, but also regarding the loss of his child. It's too much."

"I'll find one tomorrow." Jeongguk promised.

"I'll take care of it. You already have enough on your plate."

"I love you." The CEO kissed his boyfriend's neck. "I don't know what I would have done without your support. I'm sorry that I dragged you in my mess."

Yoongi smiled. "Our mess. I won't let you fight alone. We are promised, aren't we?"

"We are." Jeongguk nodded in agreement.

"Coward." Hwasa said in a dry, mocking tone.

She was now in the CEO's office together with the boss and Namjoon. When she gave Namjoon the recording, she wanted to be present when Jeongguk was hearing that. She was afraid he will do nothing. She was right.

"You don't get it." Jeongguk ran his hand through his hair. His frustration was only growing.

"What is it that I don't get?" Hwasa raised her eyebrow. She was sitting on the sofa, her legs crossed. "The way I see it, your parents treated Jungkook as trash. Your father cheats on your mom every chance he's got, and you also have physical proof that he is doing some sort of money laundering. I really do not get why you're doing shit nothing."

"They're my parents." Jeongguk raised his voice. He didn't want his family to crumble. Yes, he did say he wanted to punish the guilty one, he did want to adopt his little sister and make sure Jungkook will never be disrespected again, but at what cost?

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