Chapter 47: Taekook.

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Taehyung was walking through the hallways of Spazio Cavallerizze, the place where Milan Fashion Week was held. He had invited Jungkook for a trip in Milan, Italy. Currently, Jungkook was sleeping in their hotel room, while he evaded the women who threw lingering looks towards him. If he would have been single, most likely he would have taken advantage of the situation and probably fucked a girl or two. But he wasn't single. He had the most intriguing person at the tip of his fingers. A male that slowly took over his thoughts, his dreams, that made his heart beat fast in his chest with every kiss they shared.

The thing with Taehyung, he might be a cruel person, however, he didn't cheat. Never. That was one thing that was sacred to him. No one deserved that. Being used and thrown away, was more than enough. He found the person he was looking for, yelling at some poor model.

"Look at you. You got fat. How the hell are you gonna wear my dress?" Jihee was almost blowing smoke up her ears.

Taehyung chuckled and knocked on the wall, loud enough for the women to hear him. "How about you wear your own clothes?" The girls in the room gasped at his audacity to confront Jihee. "So we meet again, Mrs. Jeon." He mocked.

Jihee placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrow. Her face red with anger. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I don't think I made myself clear last time." Taehyung poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue. "I don't appreciate the fact that you have my boyfriend followed and threatened."

The girls made themselves scarce. They didn't want to be witnesses to such an encounter. Neither of them knew who was scarier, Jihee or the stranger.

"He's my son. I can do whatever the fuck I want to him." Jihee took a menacing step towards him. "And you can't do shit about it."

"Are you sure?" Taehyung smirked tauntingly. "I heard you are trying to locate some of your missing pieces of clothing."

"That was you?" Jihee closed her fists tightly. "How dare you?"

"Chill, mother in law. You might burst a vein." Taehyung laughed. "I told you not to mess with me. I don't play nice, and I'm positive I'm not fair either. Do you wanna see how far I can go?"

"What do you want?" Jihee said through gritted teeth.

Taehyung shrugged. "I can make those missing pieces appear like magic, if you mind your god damn business."

"Fine. Consider it done."

"Not so fast, mother in law." Taehyung stepped in front of her while she tried to leave. "Call your dogs and tell them to go back to their shed."

Jihee rolled her eyes. He didn't really gave her an alternative. It was either she did what he wanted, or her show would be a fiasco. Her exposition was more precious to her than Jungkook could ever be. She sighed and took out her phone, called her men and told them to retreat to their base, as their services were no longer required.

"Happy now?" Jihee mocked.

"Quite ecstatic." Taehyung hummed. "One last piece of advice, don't make me come after you a second time. We might have a different kind of conversation, and I do NOT forgive. Which I'm sure you'll find out if you ever cross the line again."

"Are you threatening me?" Jihee was flabbergasted. "Me? Jeon Jihee? Who do you think you are?"

Taehyung laughed again. "You're so full of yourself. I guess that's what makes us different." He took a step back to leave, but not before saying a few parting words. "I'm Taehyung, if you need a reminder. And I don't threaten, I make promises I fully intend to keep. Arrivederci, suocera." 

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