Chapter 39: Yoongguk.

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Jeongguk just arrived in the parking lot of his company. He parked the car and sighed. He talked last night with his brother and he seemed a little happier. Over the years, Jeongguk learned how to read his brother, it wasn't hard to read his eyes. He just hoped that as time passes, Jungkook will be happier. His brother deserves it. Unfortunately, he couldn't help much with that. He will always protect him as much as he can, but some things were outside his control.

Though he didn't like Taehyung for some reason, he appreciated the fact that he came to him to tell him that he was coming after their mother. He couldn't believe she had the audacity to come between them, after all the talking Jeongguk did. Now the only invariable was what Taehyung is going to do.

The file he received from Jungkook's boyfriend was alarming. He couldn't comprehend who would be brave and stupid enough to steal from him. Wasn't he a good boss? Was there someone who thought Jeongguk was not treating them right? He tried his best to be the boss everyone needed. To support his employees, give them their paycheck on time, making their environment as pleasant as it could be. Apparently, it wasn't enough. He asked Jin to secretly look into it, until Jin admitted he already discovered a few things on his own too. He couldn't be more grateful for his hyung. Jin was not only a good friend, but also one hell of an assistant.

Then there was Yoongi. His shy babysitter. The man who became very much important to him. Everyday spent together was bliss. Yoongi transformed his house into a home.

He remembered their dinner together with his siblings. Jeongguk couldn't even remember the last time he saw saw his brother genuinely laugh, but he did that day. Yoongi cooked them an amazing meal, as he couldn't convince the babysitter to simply order in. All four of them sat together at one table, laughing, joking, telling stories about one another. It felt familiar, comfortable as if they were a real family.

Jeongguk even got to hold Yoongi's hand, and neither of his siblings said anything to their sudden display of affection. That was so foreign for the trio, that Yoongi convinced them to have at least one meal together once a week. The thing was, neither of the siblings have ever had such a family dinner. Most of their dinners at their parents house were filled with yelling and unfounded accusations, mocking, or simply ignorance. They had never felt that warm company, eating while laughing so hard that they had tears in their eyes. Their body posture wasn't straight and no one admonished them for hunching over, or talk with food in their mouths. It was such an obvious contrast. And it was all thanks to a certain babysitter.

When Jeongguk put Jiyeon to sleep and came back, Yoongi was hugging his brother. 'I'm here.' Jeongguk heard the babysitter whisper in his brother's ear. He didn't understand what was that about, but seeing Jungkook respond and melt in the hug, it melted Jeongguk's heart. He was happy to see that his siblings accepting Yoongi wholeheartedly. It was almost overwhelming what he was feeling.

When they were left alone, Jeongguk's eyes started tearing up. It was such a perfect day. The love they shared in that moment, was making the CEO feel like a child. Jeongguk started washing the dishes, as he silently teared up.

'Leave it please. It's late and you have to get some rest.' Yoongi had said.

The CEO refused to move an inch, he couldn't talk, afraid that his voice will falter. Yoongi felt that something had happened to his boss. Jeongguk would normally say something, he would never ignore him. So the babysitter got closer and realized that Jeongguk was silently crying. He took the CEO's hands in his and wiped them off with a napkin.

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