Chapter 69: Taekook.

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Healing does not come in a day. First thing one has to do, is to decide it's time for healing. For Jungkook, the day he decided to heal, was the day he decided to give up his life, just to be rescued by the one that inflicted all the pain he was suffering. He took it as a divine sign to keep going, because better things awaited for him. It was hard opening up and re-live the things he tried very hard to forget, nonetheless, it was also cathartic in a way, acknowledge that nothing was his fault. There was nothing he could have controlled. Thankfully, Taehyung agreed to come to some of his sessions, in order to really externalize his real feelings.

'I really thought that if I make myself small, or talk less, you'd love me more.' He lowered his gaze and stared at his fingers. 'When you told me that day that you won't be hurting me anymore, I was really happy, but at the same time apprehensive.'

'I was telling the truth that day.' Taehyung admitted. 'I didn't want to hurt you. But the moment I saw you with that guy, I...' He took a deep breath. 'I remembered my past. I acted on an impulse. I loved you and it terrified me.'

'Why do you think you didn't wait for his explanation? What was it that you remembered?' The therapist asked.

Taehyung ran his hand through his hair, taking time to answer the question. It wasn't easy to admit his wrongdoings, or the nightmares that kept him awake at night. 'I saw my ex laughing at my face. Telling me once again how useless I am.'

'Why did you project that image over Jungkook?' The therapist asked, trying to dig dipper into his mindset.

'I don't know.' Taehyung lowered his head. 'I was jealous.'

'Jungkook, how do you feel about that?'

'I don't know how to feel.' Jungkook replied back. 'I didn't do anything that would hurt you. I didn't cheat on you. I didn't make fun of you.' He yelled at Taehyung. 'You broke me because someone else broke you. I didn't deserve what you did to me.' With that he ran away.

Taehyung spent his time going to therapy and working for his mother. Even now, after two years, he still couldn't say that the nightmares had gone, yet, there was a difference. It was Jungkook in his place and he was the perpetrator. He regretted everything he did. He too had lost their baby, and that hurt. He could only promise to their angel, that he will do anything that was possible for Jungkook to forgive him.

He started small. He started sending flowers each week, hand written letters, pouring his heart out. He pleaded with Jeongguk to allow him to see his Kookie. With easy steps and a lot of work, they managed to get along just enough to have dinner once a month. It was a steady progress.

"Would you like more wine?" Taehyung asked softly. His eyes traced the pattern of Jungkook's lips. He was beautiful. Even more than the day they officially met. His lips were pink and his eyes were still as sparkling as he remembered.

"No." Jungkook smiled back. They were on one of their monthly dinners.

This time, Taehyung chose a more intimate one. It was inside of a hotel, and though Jungkook was taken aback, Taehyung explained that it wasn't his intention to take the latter to bed later.

"You look better." Taehyung took in the other appearance, properly this time. He was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, ripped at the knees, a black t-shirt and an unbuttoned dress shirt as a jacket. He looked gorgeous with his black hair parted on his forehead, his doe eyes staring back at him, as if Jungkook was trying to read his thoughts.

Taehyung was dressed in a pair of black suit pants paired with a dressed shirt with long sleeves that had a cream, white and red pattern on it. "You don't look bad either." Jungkook replied.

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