Chapter 12: Jin.

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Seokjin was behind Mr. Jeon, watching him as he walked away to the conference room, together with his son Jeongguk. He sat in his seat, at his own desk, massaging his forehead. He never liked when the big boss came to visit, he usually left his son in a bad mood, not that Jeongguk would ever lash out on his employees.

Jeongguk was the best CEO. He wasn't ruthless as others might be. He was fair, treated everyone with kindness and respect, even the janitor had a smile on his face as he worked. Jin didn't like Mr. Jeon. The difference between father and son was skyrocketing each passing day. Mr. Jeon was the embodiment of rich and rude.

The type of rich, people like Jin hated, as he acted as if the world was his personal playground. Then again, Jin was a good assistant and he always, always, did his best. He wasn't Jeongguk's assistant and close friend for nothing. Jeongguk, would sometimes ask for his advice when it came to dealing with his parents, and Jin tried to give him the best advice. Right now, the assistant wanted nothing more than shield his boss from the big bad wolf.

Knowing so much about the family, also experiencing first hand the wrath of Mr. Jeon, Jin knew that every sparkly thing, hid some dirt. Even diamonds were made out of carbon under high temperature and pressure, so he definitely believed that was something fishy going on, and the smell didn't came from his lunch. He had sushi.

Seokjin, could remember clearly the first time Mr. Jeon lashed out at him. He was at his desk preparing Jeongguk's files for their meeting, when he was rudely interrupted by Mr. Jeon. The big boss, sent him to grab them some tiny sandwiches, instead of actually doing his job. But Seokjin being the kind person that he was, and a good employee, he did what it was asked of him. By the time he arrived, he found out that the meeting had been postponed, because the papers weren't done. So Mr. Jeon starting yelling and degrading Jin as if he was some kind of worthless parasite. Jin gritted his teeth and listened to the man, while in his head, was planning different ways to torture him.

Now, due to the fact that the assistant desk was in front of the CEO's own office, and the walls were made of glass, Jeongguk heard everything, and he quickly found a way to shut the man up without involving the entire building. Suffice to say, Mr. Jeon and Jin were kind of mortal enemies. Paranoid as he was when it came to do a good job, Jin started learning everything about the company and its owners, and the veil of lies had fallen. The assistant wanted to make sure that if a next confrontation will arrive, he would be prepared to face the man.

"Here." A sudden voice and a sound of a file tossed on his desk, brought Jin back from his own thoughts. The male who spoke, turned around to leave, thing that left the assistant speechless.

"Stay. Right. There." Jin said through gritted teeth. The male stopped. "Now turn around and come back." He demanded.

"What do you want?" The male rolled his eyes, but did what it was said.

Jin crossed his arms on his chest and nodded with his head towards the file that was carelessly thrown. "Jae, explain."

Between the assistant and Jae, there was a tacit war. If one wanted to put a label on their relationship, they would say they were frenemies. Jin didn't like Jae's careless attitude, and Jae didn't like Jin's demanding nature at work. Outside work, they could become friends, if they would try to spend some time together.

"You need to give Mr. Jeon Jr. that file. It has the balance sheet for the last three months. He needs to approve it before the final one is released." Jae explained. "Do I really have to do your job?" Jin was fuming. He grabbed the file and smacked Jae on his head. "Ouch." Jae hissed as he rubbed his head. "Why the hell did you do that for?"

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