Chapter 64: Yoongguk.

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While Yoongi was with Jin, crying his heart out and stressing about their future, Jeongguk was on his way home, completely spent out. All he wanted was to talk to his lover and manage to get a hold of his thoughts. The recent events and discoveries, were making him sick. Hearing that Jin was his step brother, was both a blessing and a shock. Now he finally understood why he felt so much trust and protection from Jin. But listening him say that he didn't want the Jeon name, broke his heart, at the same time he didn't blame him. He was too confused with everything that happened. Only Yoongi could put his mind at ease. He got out of the car and walked to the door, just to find Namjoon leaned on the wall, his hands crossed on his chest.

"Hwasa was right." Namjoon said in a dry tone. "You are soft. Unfortunately for you, you might have lost everything. Your brother and sister counted on you. Yoongi needed you. You did nothing to protect them. Jungkook broke his shell and confronted your mother. Yoongi took the step you were afraid to take. You're not as powerful as you made it seem, Jeon Jeongguk. And that will cost you dearly."

"I don't know where this is coming from, but I can't deal with this right now." Jeongguk tried to push the older aside, but Namjoon caught his arm.

"Did you know Jin called me crying? Just for that I should rearrange your face. But it doesn't end there. Your poor excuse of a mother, threatened the unborn child of my best friend. To make it more clear for you, Jihee threatened your child. Yoongi is gone."

Jeongguk's sight started blurring. His heart was beating fast in his chest. He pushed Namjoon aside, got into the house yelling Yoongi's name. When he found the house empty, Jeongguk fell on his knees, his head hidden beneath his hands. Namjoon was right. He had lost everything once with Yoongi's departure. Thankfully, Jiyeon was safe with Jimin. She wasn't a witness to her brother's pain.


Jeongguk could hear some muffled noises coming from somewhere, but it didn't make sense. The world started to spin on him and he couldn't focus on anything around him. The world could have burned and turn to ashes. He could have died and he wouldn't care. Yoongi leaving him was the ultimate thing that could destroy him. His poor heart couldn't handle it. He couldn't imagine a world without the love of the babysitter. He couldn't imagine the birth of his child and not be there to hear the first cries, to see the look on Yoongi's face when he'd hold their baby.


He could feel his body becoming more and more light, the sting in his left arm and the pain in his heart. He blinked twice, three times, until the darkness took over him and became limp in Namjoon's arms.

"Fortunately, it's not a heart attack. It's exhaustion and a severe panic attack. He needs rest, food and to avoid stressful situations." The doctor told Namjoon before he left.

Jeongguk was laying down on his bed, an IV drop in his hand. He was still unconscious.

Namjoon was sitting on a chair next to his bed. He didn't contact Yoongi about the CEO's sudden drop, he didn't want to worry the pregnant male. It was all his fault. He had pushed Jeongguk more than it was necessary without considering what the younger was going through. The CEO was already under immense pressure. The trial for Jiyeon adoption, the company being under investigation, his name plastered all over different places, and now Yoongi being under threat, not to mention being split between what's right and his family, not to mention the news about having a brother.

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