Chapter 51: Yoongguk.

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From the night of his birthday, Yoongi had started sleeping inside Jeongguk's room. Every night was better than the previous. The babysitter felt completed, loved, taken care of. Their days were filled with laughter and delicious love making. He never felt this way before, it made Yoongi's soul sing. So much love, from both Jeongguk and little Jiyeon. Their morning routine was the same as always. The babysitter would wake up, make breakfast, Jeongguk would kiss his lips first, then his tummy and then he would take Jiyeon to her school, while the CEO would go to his job.

At lunch, Yoongi would visit Jeongguk first, eat with him then he would pick up the little sunshine and go home together. Today was no different. With a smile on his face, he walked to his office with a bag filled of home cooked food. Although Jeongguk sometimes would complain that his food will make him fat, he still wanted it. The babysitter knocked on the door first and went inside when the CEO told him too, just so he can come face to face with Mrs. Jeon.

"So he's the reason you're not listening to me?" She faked laugh, her screeching voice making Yoongi shudder. "This?" She pointed her index finger towards the babysitter, as if it was obvious what she was saying. "This? The one who doesn't have any class, or money? Who's on the verge of sleeping in a dumpster?"

Jeongguk was about to say something when Yoongi shook his head. The babysitter placed the bag of food on the table, straightened his back and stared at Jihee. "I'm classless?" He asked a rhetorical question. "Do you even know your children's dreams? What hurts them? What keeps them going? No. You don't know nothing about your own children, yet I'm deemed as useless. What are you then? What kind of mother are you? You just want to control them for your own gain. You thrive on power you get from them."

"How dare you?" The sound of the slap echoed through the entire room, and went straight to Jeongguk's heart.

"Enough." He snapped by punching the desk. The CEO will not accept anyone treating his lover like he was nothing. Yoongi deserved so much better. "Get out."

"You're throwing me out because of this bastard?" Jihee looked at her son, fire burning inside her eyes. The rage she was in, made the Hell's fire seemed like a flowing river of feathers.

"You do not talk that way to him, or about him." Jeongguk replied through gritted teeth as he stood in front of Yoongi, protecting him with his own body. He would gladly take a bullet for his boyfriend. "One more word coming out of your mouth and I'm leaving this company and take everyone from here. From the employees to the contracts I acquired. I will leave Jeon Revella in shambles."

"You wouldn't." Jihee whispered.

"Try me." The CEO smirked, knowing very well the damage he could cause. His mother will not go further with her threats. Without a word, she marched out of the office, slamming the door behind her with a loud thud.

Jeongguk suddenly turned around, patting Yoongi all over his face. "Are you hurt?"

The worry in his voice and eyes, made Yoongi tear up, while hugging his boyfriend. "Thank you." He whispered.

"Yoon, are you ok?" Jeongguk cupped the babysitter's cheeks and kissed him all over his face.

"I'm fine." Yoongi chuckled. "It wasn't like she lied."

"Please don't." Jeongguk begged. "I told you, I don't care."

"I'm still working for you, Gguk. This is our reality." He pointed out the obvious. The elephant in the room.

"Yeah?" Jeongguk smirked. "Well, you're fired. Now you don't work for me anymore. You can still take care of your new family, at the same time, you can pursue your dreams."

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