Chapter 2: Yoongi.

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Min Yoongi was sitting in the living room of his rented apartment, staring at the three boxes that held everything he had ever treasured in his 25 years of life. A few sets of clothing, some small paintings he had worked on, consisting of the first one he ever did for the art department at his college, and a few prized possessions, including a teddy bear he received from his grandma when he was 5 years old, a friendship ring from his best friend Namjoon and a notebook with the sketches he didn't end up using on his actual canvas. He was thinking hard about what he would do next.

He had exactly 3 days to move out and find a new and affordable place to live in, since his landlord decided to sell the current apartment he was residing in. Letting out an audible sigh, he jumped down from where he was sitting, on the counter, heading over to the refrigerator to grab a can of beer. All of his past decisions that he had made came back to him, reminding him that it was those same choices that were the reason he was in this situation. He had left his family home at 16, when his parents decided he was old enough to survive by himself. At one point, to afford college, he had juggled many odd jobs.

It was hard, but Yoongi was a tough one, he managed to get through it. He worked his ass off, paid for his tuition and was able to graduate as an art student successfully. That was when he understood what it really was like to be an artist. There was a reason so many artists starved on the streets, struggled to hold themselves up, took their own lives. They never got any money. No one wanted to pay for Yoongi's beautiful creations, everyone wanted them for free.

He took a sip of his beer and stared at his phone. Due to his recent accident a few days ago, he lost his job. Now he was on the verge of being homeless and he saw no light at the end of the tunnel. One choice would be calling his parents and see if they would be willing to help him. There was a huge possibility of him being brushed off as usual, at this point his options were really narrowed. He had to try. He took a deep breath, picked up his phone and called his mother. 

"Hi ma. It's me, Yoongi." He greeted her in a small voice, his heart beating fast in his chest. He felt like a small lost child.

"Finally, you ungrateful little shit." Mrs. Min scolded him. "You remembered you have a mom?"

"Sorry ma." He lowered his head. It was almost as if his mother was in front of him, judging him with her cold eyes. Waiting patiently for him to fuck it up just to point her fingers at him, to tell him 'I told you so.' They expected him to fail and he just proved them right. "I was busy with work."

"Sure you were." He could imagine his mother rolling her eyes. "What happened?"

"Well, I need some help. The owner of the apartment I rented, wants to sell it. I have to look for a new place."

"It's about damn time. That building was trash. I told you many times, you never listen to me." There it goes again. The subtle attack.

"Please ma..." He released a deep sigh. "Listen to me."

"Make if fast, I'm busy." Mrs. Min rushed.

"I need a loan for a new apartment. I'll pay it back as soon as possible." Yoongi explained in a hoarse voice. He was on the verge of crying.

"If you wouldn't have chosen art, you wouldn't have had this problem. Which means, it's on you really." Her tone was sarcastic, up to the point of mockery. He could see her lips raised into a smirk.

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