Chapter Three

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     Nanala had gotten through a month of being in a relationship with James Potter. She was still upset that the relationship was only for the benefit of James, but she couldn't turn him down. Remus could tell that his best friend was having troubles with her fake relationship, but he didn't really have time to talk to her about it. When she wasn't studying, she was constantly with James, even if it wasn't really her idea. Sometimes she almost wished she could get away from James sometimes, but then she she'd realize how lucky she really was to even have a relationship with James--even if it was fake.

"We have to go and get costumes for Halloween," Sirius commented, as he threw himself down on to his bed.

"Do you even have an idea of what you're going to be?" Nanala asked, sitting next to Remus on his bed.

      When Nanala and the boys were alone in the boys' dorm, Nanala didn't have to be attached to James's hip, or vice versa. There really wasn't much time for them to hang out in their dorm room, since Remus and Nanala were studying quite often, or Sirius and James were playing or training for quidditch. This was one of their favorite times, even if they were only lucky enough to get it an hour or so every other day.

"I was thinking of going as a rockstar, since my hair would definitely fit the part," Sirius replied, shrugging slightly.

"You don't really switch up. You're always either a rockstar, a dog, or some version of a movie star. You should really think of something creative," Nanala said, causing Sirius to roll his eyes.

"Prongs, your girlfriend is mean," Sirius commented, making James chuckle.

"You had it coming, Padfoot. Besides, she's right. We should go as something completely different from what we normally go as," James replied, and the others nodded.

      Nanala and Remus shared a glance, realizing that James hadn't corrected Sirius for the first time when Sirius called Nanala James's "girlfriend." Normally James would correct Sirius many times, until the two got into a playful fight. Nanala couldn't help the butterflies that swarmed in her belly when she realized James hadn't corrected Sirius.

"Did you have any ideas?" Peter asked, looking over at James.

"Maybe zombies. I heard a couple of muggles talking about zombies when I was out over the summer," James replied, causing Remus to nod.

"I've seen a zombie film or two. I can help with the costumes," Remus commented,"Are we going for scary or cliche muggle school zombies?" He asked, and Sirius grinned.

"Muggle school, like cheerleaders?" Sirius asked, causing Remus to roll his eyes and nod.

"Yes, exactly." Remus murmured, causing Sirius to nod as well.

"We can definitely do muggle school zombies. I was told about muggle schools before; hot cheerleaders, strong jocks, wimpy nerds, it'll work. Nanala can be a hot cheerleader," He said, and James discreetly scowled at him.

        James didn't know why, but when Sirius called Nanala hot, he felt heat rise in his chest. He figured out it was jealousy, but he didn't understand why. He had never felt jealous over anything anyone said about Nanala before. Nanala was just the girl he had always hung out with and knew for a giant portion of his life. Biting his lip, he wondered if staying in the fake relationship was a good idea. He wasn't supposed to be catching feelings for Nanala, so he began to decide on what to do. His decision ultimately stayed the same though, since he was determined to do anything to get Lily's attention.

"James can be a jock, and so can Sirius. I think we should all be jocks, so it'll look cooler," Peter rambled, not wanting to be dressed as a nerd.

"That's a great idea, Wormy. We can go to the muggle clothing store during Hogsmeade, and pick up everything we need," Sirius replied, nodding in satisfaction.

        Nanala and the boys soon had to leave the solitude of the dorm room to go to class. James grasped Nanala's hand, and lightly intertwined their fingers. When he knew he was walking past Lily and her friends, he grinned to himself and kissed Nanala's cheek. He tried to make everything seem loving, as long as they were in front of anyone that wasn't Remus, Sirius, and Peter.

"You didn't do your homework, did you?" Nanala asked, giving the boy a side glance.

"I did, with Moony's help,"He answered,"I was just showing my girlfriend some affection. Is that wrong?" He added, smiling cheekily.

        Nanala felt a blush rise to her cheeks, and she hoped James believed it was to add effect. She didn't want him to know that his words actually made her blush, but also made her stomach fill with dread. She knew one day soon she and James would be over, and she'd never be able to be with him again because he'd finally get Lily like he always wanted. Nanala wished she was the one, but she was never anyone's first choice, expect for maybe Remus. Remus had chosen to hang out with her more than once, over spending time with other people or pulling pranks.

        At first everyone believed his actions were based on feelings that Nanala didn't reciprocate, but it turned out to be completely different. He decided Nanala was like the sister he always wanted, and he would do anything for her, even if it went against everything; including the other boys. She was his first friend, as he was hers, and they would do anything for each other.

"I can feel Lily's eyes on us. I think it's working," Nanala said, acting like she was happy over the development.

"Not good enough. I bet it'll be weeks before you and I even get an eye roll out of her," He replied, and Nanala nodded wordlessly.

         Nanala didn't want to drag on the fake relationship too much longer. She knew if she carried on, she wouldn't be able to hide her feelings. James was being way too sweet and nice to her, which made her feelings heighten a bit more than before. She just hoped she wouldn't be completely crushed in the end...

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