Nanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...
Nanala had gotten herself a hotel room after two days of searching for Clint. She knew she'd find him eventually, or he'd find her, so she didn't lose hope. She did have to rest though, since she hadn't stopped searching once in the two days after she had arrived. She hadn't even stopped for food, which she knew would've angered Pepper, Steve, and Natasha.
On the third day, she laid in her hotel bed and tried to get rest. She knew she wouldn't get sleep, but the ability to get a shower and rest her legs for a few hours helped tremendously. As she rested though, she heard something outside of her room. She furrowed her eyebrows, as she grabbed her wand and silently walked towards the door.
Raising her wand, she swung the door open quickly to startle whoever was at the door. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized who was at her door. At the entrance of her door stood Clint, but he was dressed completely different from how he would before. He even had a mask and hood, which was very different for Clint. The moment he seen her though, he pushed himself inside the room, closed the door and locked it. The only reason she had known it was Clint was from his eyes.
"You didn't find me." He murmured, and she nodded.
"I know, but I see I was close." She replied, making him shake his head.
"You'd only be close, if I wanted you to be." He said, causing her to frown.
This Clint was different. He was closed off and hard. Obviously, Nanala knew that he was hurting, and so was she. He knew that she was the only one that could understand any of the pain he was going through, so she was the only one he'd ever let accompany him in what he was doing.
Nanala had heard whispers about someone going around and killing bad guys. The person, nicknamed "Ronin," had taken out quite a few people in New York, but had just recently started doing the same in Mexico. Seeing Clint, she knew it was him instantly. He was killing bad guys, and was now a mercenary.
"Why are you here, Clint?" She asked, crossing her arms.
"After losing Laura, the kids...I couldn't handle the idea of all these bad guys living. I mean, how come my family was taken from me, but these drug dealers, thieves, murderers, and other criminals get to live?" He questioned, his voice angry,"We lost our family, Nala. These men, they don't deserve to live, if our kids didn't get to live." He spat, and Nanala's heart skipped a beat at his words.
"Y-you're right. They deserve to die." She replied, causing him to nod silently.
At first, Nanala wasn't sure if she agreed with him, but then she thought about it for a moment, and decided that he was right. How do the bad guys got to live, but her family got to die? How come they got to live their lives without a care, when her family's lives were taken away so early. Henry should still be learning magic. Cooper, Lila, and Nathaniel should still be getting to learn how to use a bow with Clint. Laura should still be getting to live her life at the farmhouse that she loved so much. Bucky should still be able to spend time with his son, and get to slowly get better from his HYDRA days. None of that got to happen though, because of Thanos the purple arsehole.
"Are you going to help me?" He asked, his voice raspy from the lack of real use.
Nanala had to think about her answer. Did she want to go around killing bad guys with Clint? Did she want to spend the rest of her life killing people? She knew it was for the greater good, but was she really a killer? Did that make her any better than the bad guys and the Dark Lord? But this is for your family, her selfconscious told her, and she agreed. She was an Avenger, and this was her way to avenge her family.
"Yes." She answered, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Then get ready. I brought you a new suit; one that you won't be recognized." He said, handing her a black bag that had been in his hand.
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Nanala's outfit was almost all black, very similar to Clint's, with a hood and a mask to cover most of her face. The only thing that could be seen was her eyes and some of her blonde hair.
"You should change your hair, make it where people can't recognize you with it." Clint commented, and Nanala nodded.
Instead of changing her hair too much, she used her wand to put her hair into a tight braid on the back of her head.
"We have a couple of men to take care of tonight." Clint stated, as Nanala grabbed her bag and put it on her shoulder.
"How often are we going to be finding people?" She asked, making him sigh.
"As often as we can." He answered, before he lead her out the door.
The two stayed quiet, but it was expected. They didn't have much to talk about though, since they were both still grieving and their pain was still evident in their eyes. Their wasn't anything the two could say to each other that would make them feel better.
Having each other there made things easier. They didn't feel so alone, but it didn't fix their pain completely. Their hearts were still broken; still feeling heavy in their chests. They were going to work their asses off to take out as many bad guys as they could. If the world could have less bad guys, then maybe they'd feel better. They planned to spend the rest of their lives hurting all of the bad guys that hurt people so easily. This was their way of taking out their anger for losing their family...