Henry had been feeling a little emotional for a couple of days. Nanala and Bucky had no idea how to help him, since every little thing seemed to set him off. The little boy wasn't upset because Bucky moved in, he wasn't upset that Nanala and Bucky were together, he wasn't upset about where they lived, but something was definitely bothering him. Nanala wondered if the boy was just trying to figure out hoe to deal with emotions.
Normally, Henry was a happy little boy. Nothing really upset him, and when he was upset, he'd simply cry. For the past couple of days, he had been crying, yelling, get angry, and sometimes throwing things or breaking things with his accidental use of magic. Nanala was teaching the boy how to use his magic, but sometimes the magic was really strong when he was emotional. Nanala understood how that felt sometimes, but she was always punished for using her magic when she was emotional. If she ever broke anything when she was upset, she would be "punished" by her father.
Anyhow, by day three of Henry being emotional, Nanala and Bucky were becoming distraught. So, Nanala's best choice was to bring him to Shuri to see if she could find something wrong with the little boy. Maybe he had an injury that his parents didn't know about, or maybe he had some kind of problem that wasn't being fixed because his parents couldn't see it. Nanala hoped Henry would talk to Shuri if the girl couldn't find anything physically wrong with him.
So, after lunch on day three, Nanala and Bucky walked Henry all the way to Shuri's lab. Shuri was surprised to see them, but she smiled nonetheless. She liked having them around, especially Nanala, since Nanala's magic could sometimes be more useful than technology by itself. Shuri and Nanala worked good as a team when it came to creating things and helping people heal.
"What can I do for you?" Shuri asked, as she linked her hands together in front of herself.
"Henry's been a little emotional for the last three days, and we can't figure out why. He's been crying, yelling, getting angry, and accidentally throwing and breaking things with his magic when he's upset. We don't know what to do, because he won't tell us what's wrong." Nanala said, making the other woman sigh.
"I can run a full body scan, check for any injuries or trauma, but if I do not find anything, I will have to find a different way to assess him." Shuri replied, and Nanala nodded.
"If he doesn't have any injuries, we were thinking that maybe he'd talk to you about what's bothering him." Bucky commented, causing the woman to smile.
"I will do my best to help him. You two go and do whatever it is you do, and I will take care of Henry." She said, and the couple smiled.
Bucky and Nanala left soon after to try and busy themselves while Shuri was working. They didn't want to hover over her, but they really wanted to know what was wrong with their little man. He had surprised them with his emotional outburst, and they were upset with themselves for not being able to help him.
"Do you think he's acting out because of me?" Bucky asked, worry evident in his eyes.
"No, I know it's not you. I don't know what it is though. Maybe he's dealing with something that we don't know about. For all we know, he could've fallen out of bed, and he's just a little bruised." Nanala replied, causing Bucky to sigh.
"I don't think that would make him yell and be angry." Bucky commented, but Nanala shrugged.
"When I was at Hogwarts, I would be really angry and mean when I was in pain. My father wasn't nice, and neither was my brother, so going to school with bruises and cuts was normal. I was just really mean and angry all the time because they hurt and they were healing." Nanala said, causing Bucky to frown.
Bucky hated hearing about how mean Nanala's family were to her. She never really went into too much detail, since she didn't want to upset him. He was always very protective over Nanala and Henry, so Nanala tried to keep him from being angry or upset. She didn't tell him too much about the Marauders either, since she didn't know if he'd become jealous of her relationship with them. She also didn't want him getting upset and think that she was better off with them than with him.
"Do you think that maybe he's heard some of your stories from your past, and it upset him?" Bucky asked, causing the woman to shrug.
"Maybe, but I try to keep it quiet and away from him. I've always been worried about him getting nightmares from the stories. I try to only tell good stories when he's around." She said, and he nodded.
"That's why I don't talk about my past either, unless you and I are in our room and he's asleep already." He replied, making her nod in agreement.
Nanala was honestly really worried about her son, and so was Bucky. To be honest, having a father figure around was helpful to Henry quite a bit. Bucky was sometimes able to talk to Henry about things that Henry wouldn't want to discuss with his mother. The boys being able to talk to each other about boy things helped Henry develop his personality and mannerisms.
"Don't worry, Bucky, I have a feeling Shuri will be able to help us. She should be able to find out what's wrong, and give us a reason for his outbursts." Nanala said, and Bucky nodded quietly.
They were worried, but they knew Shuri would help. She was practically a miracle worker. The girl had helped Bucky get rid of his HYDRA programming, so she would be able to help Henry. The parents just hoped that Henry wasn't going to stay emotional for weeks...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanficNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...