Remus waited two days before he finally decided to tell Sirius and James about the letter he recieved from Nanala. He was holding the letter in his hand, as he walked into the kitchen where James and Sirius were located. He hadn't expected Lily to be in there, since she was supposed to be out visiting Frank and Alice Longbottom. When Remus entered the kitchen, he was met by smiles and happy waving.
"You'll never guess what happened--" James began, before Sirius cut him off.
"Prngs proposed to Evans!" Sirius exclaimed, unable to hold the secret in any longer.
"Oh, uh-congrats you two. I always knew you two would marry." Remus said, but now he was realizing that Nanala's letter was slowly coming true.
"Thank you, Remus." Lily replied, giving the scarred boy a smile.
"Pads, could you follow me?" Remus asked,"I have to talk to you about something." He commented, and Sirius nodded.
Sirius, James, and Lily were confused by Remus's manner, but they didn't comment on it. Instead, Sirius simply followed Remus up the stairs and to the guest room—which essentially was just Remus's recovery room after a full moon.
"What do you need to talk about?" Sirius asked, as he sat down on the bed.
"First, I need you to swear yourself to secrecy." Remus commented, causing the man to raise an eyebrow.
"What? Are we second years again?" Sirius asked jokingly, chuckling to himself.
"It's either that, or we're doing an unbreakable vow." Remus retorted, making Sirius frown.
"Whoa Moony, what's going on?" Sirius asked, but when he seen Remus wasn't going to budge, he sighed,"I swear myself to secrecy, Remus." He said, and Remus nodded.
Remus quickly casted a spell on the room so nobody could eavesdrop, before he sat down next to Sirius. Instead of saying anything, he simply handed the letter from Nanala over to Sirius. Sirius took a few minutes to read the letter, before glancing down at the picture Remus was holding.
"Merlin, she and the boy are alive," Sirius commented,"So, she gave us clues to saving our future and to who did this to her?" He questioned, and Remus nodded,"Why didn't you tell James and Lily?" He asked, causing Remus to sigh.
"I don't think Nanala would want Lily to know, and James is happy, Sirius. I don't want to bring his happiness down by showing him this letter." Remus replied, making Sirius frown.
"He has to know, Remus. This is his son, and this is the girl he's been in love with for months. If there's a way for us to save our future, as well as for James to get his girl and his son back, we should give him that option." Sirius said, causing Remus to sigh once again.
"I guess you're right," Remus replied,"We just can't tell Lily, because it might hurt her."
"What about Wormtail?" Sirius asked, making Remus shake his head.
"You read the same letter I did, Pads. I think Nala was telling us something, and I think it was something about Peter. I don't think we can trust him anymore, at least, not with any secrets or things like this. If he knew, there could be consequences." Remus answered, and Sirius simply nodded.
"Wait a few days, then we can tell James about Nala and Henry." Sirius commented, causing Remus to nod in agreement.
"We should start finding information about the future to figure out this letter. If we can get all of the answers, we may save a lot of people." Remus stated, and Sirius nodded in agreement.
Remus and Sirius soon bid their farewells to Lily and James, telling the couple to celebrate their engagement, before the two men went out to gather information. Remus went to a library, but Sirius went to his cousin Andromeda. If anyone would know anything, Sirius felt it would be his cousin.
Remus gathered as many books as he could, from old books to newly published books. Sirius had given him a pouch full of galleons to use to buy the books, and the only reason Remus agreed to taking the money was because he wanted to figure out everything he could get answers to. Once he had all the books he believed he would need, he went to the Tonks residence where Sirius had told him to meet.
"Did you get everything we'd need?" Sirius asked, and Remus sighed.
"I hope so, but if I didn't, I don't know what we'll do. I didn't find any other books. I even got a book on secret dark magic spells that are unknown to most of the wizarding world—even most dark wizards and witches." Remus answered, causing Sirius to nod.
"I will try to help by looking into some of the family's old books and diaries, but I can't promise anything. Mother made sure I left with little to nothing left of the Black family." Andromeda said, and the boys nodded thankfully.
The three spent hours upon hours reading book after book. It was weird to see Sirius read so much, but he needed answers just as much as anyone else, and he was going to get the answers he was searching for. Anyhow, the two men only went back to James and Lily's house once it had gotten very late, and they could barely keep their eyes open.
The two would meet back at Andromeda's place the next day. Sirius had told Andromeda about Nanala's letter, but she had been sworn to secrecy as well. The three would work together for answers, and hopefully they'd have a few before they told James. James might feel less upset if he knew his friends had gotten answers already.
Even if they couldn't get Nanala back, at least they'd be able to save their futures. If they could bring Nanala back, that would be even better, especially once they'd get the chance to meet Henry. They were somewhat excited to meet Henry, since he looked so much like James and Nanala, and the little boy deserved to meet his uncles...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...