Chapter Fifty Seven

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Nanala woke the next morning rather early; right as the sun was coming up actually. She had quickly thrown on the clothes that was left out for her, before she used her magic to fix her hair. She then aparated to the lab, and she was surprised to see Shuri just walking into the lab. Shuri jumped when she turned around and seen the woman standing in her lab.

"I wasn't expecting you until later," Shuri commented, causing the woman to smile.

"Better early, than late," Nanala simply answered, and Shuri smiled.

"Let me go see if Sargent Barnes is awake," Shuri said, as she stepped out of her lab.

About five minutes later, Shuri came back into her lab with Bucky and Steve following behind her. She had Bucky lay on the medical table again, before she hooked him up to a couple machines and an IV drip.

"Since you are a super soldier, it'll be harder for us to give you enough anesthesia to fall asleep--" Shuri began, before Nanala cut her off.

"I have a potion for sleep, and if I give him enough, it should only put him to sleep for an hour or so," Nanala said, causing Shuri to grin.

Nanala quickly grabbed the vial, and poured some into Bucky's mouth. The three watched as Bucky slowly fell asleep from the potion. Once Bucky was asleep, Shuri began to work on his shoulder. By the time Bucky started waking up, Shuri was finished and had his shoulder wrapped up.

"Are you in any pain?" Nanala asked, once Bucky was comprehensive.

"A little," He answered, his voice barely audible, as if he was afraid to say he was hurting.

"Here," Nanala commented, grabbing the potion Steve grabbed from Bucky's room,"Steve brought one of your pain relieving potions I gave you yesterday," She said, as she poured it into his mouth.

Once the potion kicked in, Bucky sat up and kicked his legs over the side of the medical bed. Nanala began to wander around the lab, as Shuri discussed how she was going to fix Bucky's mind. Nanala didn't know much about medical stuff in this universe, especially in Wakanda, so she listened and understood what she could.

"Are you sure being put under is what you want?" Nanala asked, as Shuri got the cryogenic freezer ready.

"It's what's best. I have to protect the world from myself, and the only way I can do that, is to get my mind fixed, no matter how long it takes," He replied, making her simply nod.

"I'm going to give you two a moment," She murmured, as she and Shuri walked out of the lab.

"This is what's best for him, Ms. Malfoy, but I promise we will have him better soon," Shuri commented, causing the blonde to nod.

"I never thought I could worry about someone I barely knew," Nanala replied, and Shuri smiled.

"Sometimes love at first sight can happen," She said, making Nanala's eyes widen and her head to shake.

"I'm not in love with him, Shuri, I'm simply worried about him--" Nanala began, but Shuri cut her off.

"Of course not, Ms. Malfoy, you're merely shaking scared for a stranger," Shuri retorted, and Nanala scoffed.

"If we're going to be discussing my life, you can call me Nanala, or Nala like all the others," Nanala said, and Shuri nodded.

A moment later, Steve came out of the lab.

"I'm going to leave. I need to save the others. I'll try to contact you when I have the chance," Steve said, as he hugged Nanala,"Watch over Buck for me, would ya?" He commented, and she nodded.

"I've got him, Steve. He's in good hands," She answered, causing the man to smile.

Steve left, but not without turning back to look at the girl one last time. He felt like there was a connection between Bucky and Nanala, even if they couldn't see it or feel it yet. Most of the time, he was also blind to things like this, but this time he definitely wasn't.

Once Steve was gone, Nanala went back into the lab with Shuri. Nanala watched as Bucky stepped into the freezer. He locked eyes with her, and she held his gaze.

"You'll be fine, Bucky. I promise when you wake up, I'll be right here, and you'll be all better," She said, giving him an encouraging smile.

He smiled back nervously, before Shuri closed the door of the freezer. Bucky closed his eyes, and Nanala watched as he froze. She knew he would wake up again, but the freezer did kind of freak her out. She definitely didn't have anything like it in the wizarding world. Yes, there was curses and hexes to freeze people, but it only lasted for a little bit, and the person didn't have to slowly unfreeze like an ice cube. The hex never lasted too long, and nobody was able to choose the amount of time it lasted.

"He'll be out of there soon, Nanala. I will let you know before I unfreeze him, so you can be here when he wakes up," Shuri said, causing the blonde to nod slightly.

"Will you come get me if you need any help?" Nanala asked, and Shuri smiled.

"Yes, I will come get you. Your magic might be more help than you think," Shuri replied, making Nanala smile as well.

"How will you know for sure he is better?" Nanala asked, causing the other girl to sigh.

"We'll have to test his trigger words, and see if he becomes the Winter Soldier. You will have to be here for that. If he becomes the Soldier, you will have to stop him with your magic. I know my brother would try to stop him, but I have a feeling you will have an easier time apprehending Sargent Barnes," Shuri said, and Nanala nodded shakily.

Soon, Nanala would have to go and get her son, but knowing that Bucky's trigger words would have to be tested worried her. If Henry was around when the Winter Soldier was triggered, he could be hurt, and Nanala would potentially hurt Bucky for it, and Bucky would hate himself for hurting Henry...

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