Christmas was not something Nanala was use to, not celebrating and enjoying anyway. So, being with James for Christmas was very different. Sirius and James drank hot chocolate and listened to Christmas music, which Nanala had did with them this year. They put up Christmas decorations that were very different from back at the manor, since at the manor, Nanala never put up Christmas decorations. She did have a small thing of lights that surrounded her room though, which was the only bit of festivities she had when she went home for Christmas, which was very rare, unless they had some type of ball that she couldn't miss.
"Nanala, it's time for dinner," Mrs. Potter said, as she lightly tapped on the girl's door.
Nanala had spent most of her time in the room wrapping gifts. Mrs. Potter had showed the girl how to wrap gifts the muggle way, and Nanala had decided she wanted to wrap all of the gifts that way. So, she had been in her room for hours wrapping gifts. Everytime she got a paper cut or ran out of tape, she'd let out a string of curse words and she'd hear Sirius or James laughing at her as they passed her room.
"Nala!" James exclaimed, as he left his room with Sirius.
"I'm coming!" Nanala called back, finishing the last gift.
"That's what she said," Sirius murmured,"literally," He added, causing James to punch him in the arm.
Nanala came down the stairs moments later, and sat down next to James at the dinner table. Mrs. Potter had made roast and mashed potatoes for dinner, which was one of Nanala's favorite meals to eat. As Nanala ate, she talked about Christmas with Mrs. and Mr. Potter, which they were really happy to explain.
"You have to be awake early tomorrow to open gifts. I'm sure James or Sirius will be up by seven to get you," Mrs. Potter said, causing Nanala to giggle.
"I could send you," Sirius murmured to James,"that way you and Kitty can have a Christmas shag," He added, causing James to blush.
Luckily nobody had heard Sirius or questioned why James was blushing, otherwise James would've tackled Sirius from his seat at the table and hexed him. Once dinner was finished, Nanala decided to get James and Sirius to help her carry all of the gifts down to the Christmas tree. After the gifts were set out, Nanala went to the kitchen to help Mrs. Potter with cooking. Mrs. Potter would start the night before cooking food, such as desserts, for the Christmas dinner.
"I met a woman named Molly the other day. She isn't much older than you and the boys, maybe ten years. She's only twenty seven, and she has three kids. I believe she said she's pregnant with twins. Every one of her kids are boys, so I kind of feel bad for her. I would never want five boys at a time, especially when the oldest is only seven," Mrs. Potter commented,"I invited her to have Christmas dinner with us. I hope you're fine with that. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable here with all these people," She added, causing Nanala to shake her head.
"It's fine, I can deal with people. Besides, I love kids. I bet James, Sirius, Remus, and I can help with the kids, so Molly can have some time to hang out with other adults," Nanala replied, and Mrs. Potter smiled.
"That's very mature of you, Nanala," Mrs. Potter said,"Don't forget that you're an adult now, too. Seventeen is an adult, you know," Mrs. Potter murmured, causing Nanala to blush slightly, forgetting she was technically an adult.
Peter had told his friends he wouldn't be able to spend Christmas with them because his mother was sick, but Nanala felt like there was something off about Peter. He had been a little distant for a bit, and she really realized it a week before the holiday started. Anyhow, once it had gotten rather late, Nanala decided to head to bed for the night.
When she woke up the next morning, which was by Sirius jumping on her bed, she wasn't feeling the best. She shoved Sirius to the floor and grumbled as she walked down the stairs. Mrs. Potter made the children pancakes for breakfast before they open presents. After eating one and a half pancakes, Nanala felt her stomach churn. Quickly standing up, Nanala ran from the table and went straight to the bathroom. As soon as she was in the bathroom, she emptied her stomach content into the toilet.
"Can I come in?" She heard Mrs. Potter asked, causing her to open the door.
Mrs. Potter crouched down to her height and frowned. She could see the girl was pale, and she was clammy from throwing up. Biting her lip, Mrs. Potter stood up and opened her medicine cabinet. The woman grabbed a potion and bent back down to the girl's height.
"This will help your stomach. I'm hoping you're not going to be sick anymore today, but if you start feeling worse, let me know so I can get you to bed and let everyone know you're ill," Mrs. Potter said, causing Nanala to nod.
Mrs. Potter left the girl to clean herself up, before Nanala went back downstairs to sit with the boys to open presents. Nanala wasn't expecting many gifts, but she was surprised to see that Mr. and Mrs. Potter had gotten her the same amount of gifts as they had gotten James and Sirius. Nanala felt special for once in her life, and she felt like someone actually cared about her, other than her amazing friends of course.
If it wasn't for her friends, she doubted she'd ever have gotten as far as she did in life. She knew her life was far from being figured out, but at least she had people standing in her corner when she needed them. She just hoped they'd be there forever...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...