The next morning, Nanala was surprised by Tony, when he asked her to follow him outside to the car. He had wanted to speak to her before he left. She didn't know exactly where he was going, but she had a feeling it was something that could change the world.
"What's this about?" Nanala asked, crossing her arms.
"I've figured out how to potentially fix all this, and bring everyone back. Obviously, it's going to take a lot of work, but I can handle that," He commented,"I'm going to the compound to see the others, but I need you to stay here. If this works, I'll bring them back to you, I promise, but if it doesn't, if something goes wrong, I need you here to watch over Pepper and Morgan. I know you're strong, and I know you can handle anything that comes your way. Protect our family, Nala, and I'll bring back yours." He said, making her nod.
"Please be careful, Tony. I don't know what I'll do if something happens to you." She replied, causing the man to sigh.
"I'm going to be fine, Nala, I promise." He answered, pulling the girl into a hug.
Nanala laid her head on his chest, as she wrapped her arms tightly around him. Over the last three years, she became very close to Tony, Pepper, and Morgan. Tony was overprotective, like a big brother, and Nanala was happy with their relationship. He was way better than her real older brother, and she would rather have Tony as her older brother than Lucius.
Tony placed a kiss on Nanala's head, before he pulled away from her. She gave him a tiny smile, as she watched him climb into his car and quickly drive away from their home. Nanala went back into the house to watch Lilo & Stitch with Morgan. Pepper watched them from afar, knowing Nanala was feeling a bit of pain watching Tony leave, but so was she. Both women knew that with Tony leaving to help bring everyone back, there was a chance he'd never make it back.
Losing Tony was something Nanala wouldn't be able to handle well. He was her family now, and she loved him as much as she loved Clint, Pepper, Morgan, Laura, Cooper, Lila, Nathaniel, Bucky, and Henry. She couldn't lose him, otherwise she'd lose a little piece of herself. She already lost so much, and getting the others back just to lose someone else wasn't something she would be happy with.
"Nala, you want to help me with dinner?" Pepper asked, knowing the girl needed something to take her mind off of Tony and what could potentially be the end of his life.
Nanala didn't comment, instead she simply stood up and walked up to Pepper to help her make dinner.
"Would you like to see the charm I've been working on that let's me control things with my mind?" Nanala asked, and Pepper nodded with a smile.
Pepper had learned to encourage Nanala to try new things and advance on her spell work. Nanala had actually started creating her own spells, charms, and jinxs. Tony had been the first one to be a victim of one of her jinxs for waking her up at three in the morning after he had created something crazy for her and Morgan.
Anyhow, Nanala muttered the spell, and slowly all of the things that were needing to be done for dinner was being done in front of their eyes.
"It takes a lot of energy sometimes, but I am trying to figure out how to fix that." Nanala said, and Pepper smiled.
"You're doing amazing, Nala, and I know you'll figure out just how to perfect your charm." She replied, making Nanala smile as well.
Once Nanala perfected it, she planned to mess with Tony using the charm. She was going to move things while he was using them, or cause a pillow to hit him while he's trying to concentrate. She would do normal little things that a little sister would do to bother her big brother, but she would be using magic instead of her hands.
"Morgan! Dinner!" Pepper exclaimed, and soon the little girl came running into the room.
Morgan sat down at the table, and watched in amazement as her plate of dinosaur nuggets and macaroni and cheese came to her through the air without anyone touching it.
"Wow." Morgan gasped, and Nanala smiled.
"Aunt Nala's doing that with her mind." Pepper commented, causing Morgan to look at her aunt with wide eyes.
"That's so cool!" She exclaimed, as a grin graced her face.
"Thank you, love." Nanala replied, smiling at her little niece.
Nanala and Pepper were having grilled chicken and broccoli, since Nanala wasn't very hungry, and neither was Pepper. The two women were too worried about Tony to actually have much of an appetite. Obviously, the two women still ate, since they knew their bodies needed the food, even if they didn't really feel like eating.
"I really wish broccoli wasn't so mushy when it's cooked. I love cooked broccoli, but it's annoying to try and pick it up with a fork, only for it to mush instead of going on the fork." Nanala commented, causing Pepper to nod with a laugh.
"It holds together better with cheese, but I didn't think you'd want cheese, since you're not very hungry." Pepper replied, and Nanala shook her head.
"No, cheese would've just made me feel sick." Nanala answered, shrugging slightly.
Nanala was a fan of cheese, but sometimes it would cause her stomach to hurt if she ate it when she wasn't very hungry. The consequences were stupid, but she learned to deal with it. Honestly, she somewhat liked when her body did that, since it would help keep her on a diet. She knew a good diet would keep up her energy and help her stay focused when doing magic. Magic was one of the things she could control, and it could help her do just about anything...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...