Chapter Twenty One

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Florida was beautiful. Nanala had chosen to go to Pensacola, Florida for vacation. She had believed it would be a nice place, and she'd rather save other parts of the state for later vacations. Almost as soon as they arrived in Florida, she was certain she'd come back for another vacation as soon as she could.

The heat was a bit intense. The air was humid, but she knew it was caused by the ocean so close to their hotel. Danielle had booked an average hotel, since rooms were rather expensive, and the hotel she had chosen was the least expensive for a week's stay. Besides, Nanala really didn't care what kind of hotel they stayed in, as long as it was safe for her, Henry, and Danielle. Nanala had actually put up protection charms on the room when they were asleep so no one could come into the room at night without knocking and being invited in.

Every day the girls and Henry would go to the beach, even if it was only to lay in the sun to get a tan. Henry really liked the water, especially when the waves came in; as long as they weren't too strong. A couple of waves had been rather strong and knocked Danielle over, but luckily Nanala and Henry hadn't been in the water at that time.

The night they had arrived in Pensacola, Nanala had decided to walk the beach under the stars. She found it rather peaceful, and the sound of the water moving soothed her stress a bit; the stress she had gotten from flying with a baby. The sounds of the ocean and the moonlight had actually put Henry to sleep, which was rather nice to Nanala if she did have to be honest.

The two girls didn't do much shopping, other than getting some drinks and snacks to store in their hotel room. Nanala had allowed Danielle to pick mostly everything, since she knew the girl was more use to some of the things Nanala had never tried before. Most nights they would go out for dinner though, since it was easier on them than trying to come up with a dinner they didn't have to cook. Each day they'd eat sandwiches during the day if they got hungry, and Henry would have apple sauce.

Nanala had tried Waffle House for the first time while in Florida, and she did not like it. She had ordered herself a waffle, which was very thin and rather dry. She had believed they'd give her syrup for the waffle, but instead they only gave her the choice between chocolate chips or peanut butter chips. Danielle's food was a bit burnt, and there wasn't really anything Nanala could feed Henry. She was just glad she had brought a jar of pumpkin puree with her to feed him. Honestly, the restaurant had been too expensive for food that she wasn't fond of.

Her favorite place to go though was Graffiti Pizza. The pizza was huge, and the cheese sticks were amazing. She absolutely loved the food, and there was a bar connected on the other side. Danielle went through the door and ordered drinks for herself and Nanala, which Nanala had thanked her for. Nanala had only gotten one drink, but she let Danielle drink as many as she wanted. Apparently the drink Danielle had picked for Nanala was a Long Island Iced Tea, but Danielle had gotten herself quite a bit of margaritas.

The next day when Danielle woke up with a killer hangover, she had wished she hadn't drank so much, especially when Henry started crying. His cries practically bounced through her skull like a siren. Luckily, Nanala had one of her very few hangover potions, so Danielle didn't have to deal with the hangover long, but the hour she had it felt like forever.

Nanala had taken many pictures of the beautiful scenery, as did Danielle, but Danielle had also taken pictures of Nanala and Henry together for the young mother. Nanala's favorite was a picture of her holding him while walking along the pier. He had a smile on his face, as Nanala grinned down at him and pointed out towards the ocean. That same night, there was a live band playing at a club near the beach. The strobe lights were pretty awesome to see once the sun went down.

Nanala had decided to walk around for a while near the beach, admiring all of the buildings, stores, and restaurants around the area. She couldn't lie, she had to have been walking around for at least an hour before Henry decided he was hungry and tired. Henry had actually been well behaved during the entire trip, which made Nanala very happy.

Leaving Florida was a little sad, since Nanala absolutely loved it, but she knew she couldn't stay. She had made a life for herself in New York with her son. She and Danielle had work to go back to, and a home to live in. If it wasn't for the life she had already created in New York, Nanala would've decided to leave that place and stay in Florida permanently. The heat was a little to be desired, but the scenery was to die for.

"We'll come back here again soon," Nanala told Danielle, as she sat next to the girl on the plane.

"Definitely, but we'll visit a different part of Florida. Maybe we can go to that Disney theme park," Danielle replied, and Nanala nodded.

"Henry would like that, but we've have to wait for him to be a little older, otherwise he might not remember the adventure," Nanala answered, as she kissed the top of her son's head.

Florida was absolutely beautiful, even with its intense heat. New York was nice too, but it didn't have the same things as Florida. Nanala was determined to learn to love New York just as much as she loved Florida, no matter how long it took. One way or another, New York would make her fall in love with it, too...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. There's three more chapters left for this part. I'll probably post them tomorrow. You guys only have a couple more days to vote for the love interest before the next part is posted!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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