Chapter Twenty Two

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Going back to work was not something Nanala was excited for. She went back to work anyway, since she was saving up as much money as she could for Henry's first birthday. Nanala planned to have a pretty nice party for Henry, even though it was only going to be his first birthday.

The next few months leading up to Henry's birthday were very normal, or as normal as they could be, living in a new universe than what she had been born into. Nanala was adamant that Henry was going to have a good birthday, since she didn't have any good birthdays when she was a child, unless her friends celebrated her birthday at Hogwarts.

"He's turning one, Nala, I don't think he needs pizza, ice cream, and his own cake. I mean, I understand why you want him to have it, believe me, but he's only one," Danielle tried to reason, but Nanala wasn't having it.

"I understand what you're saying, but even if he doesn't remember it, I will. I want him to have the most amazing birthdays, from his first, until the last one I can ever throw for him," Nanala replied,  causing Danielle to sigh.

"Fine, but you might want to make sure there's plenty. You know everyone will want to come and bring gifts for him," Danielle said, and Nanala nodded.

"I sent messages to to Markus, Liz, and Carlos. Angel never gave me her number," Nanala commented,"They'll be here later with their gifts, and I asked them what pizza they preferred. Liz said she messaged Angel for me though," She added, and Danielle smiled.

"Lucky for you, I've already bought all of the gifts I wanted for Henry. I hope you've already wrapped all of yours," Danielle replied, causing Nanala to groan.

"I still have a little more shopping to do. You don't mind watching Henry for an hour or two, do you?" Nanala asked, causing Danielle to nod.

Nanala had left Henry with Danielle, since she knew the girl could watch her son for a bit. Danielle was a great aunt and godmother to Henry, so she always made sure that Henry had all the love and care that she could give.

"I can't wait until I can take you out for tacos and Starbucks when you're older," Danielle murmured to Henry, as she handed him a bottle of juice.

Though Nanala wasn't in the wizarding world anymore, she still made pumpkin juice and other pumpkin things in her kitchen. The problem was that she had trouble getting pumpkins often, so she had to get creative and buy pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie filling to make all of her pumpkin treats and juice.

Anyhow, after an hour or so, Nanala had arrived back home and brought all of the things she bought into her room. She wrapped all of the gifts, before bringing the crisps and other party things into the kitchen. She pulled the cakes out of the refrigerator, and sat them on the counter top. Once she was done decorating, it was close to time for everyone to show up.

Luckily, everyone showed up on time with loads of gifts. Henry tried to open the gifts more than once, especially the ones wrapped in superhero paper, but Nanala was able to stop him. Everyone ate pizza first, even the children that only wanted the sweets and crisps Nanala had gotten for the party.

Markus and Angel were the people to bring their kids, Liz and Carlos didn't have kids. Nanala had even made party favor bags for the children, once she had known that they were coming. After the pizza, Nanala decided to go ahead and open presents. She knew opening presents would give Henry time to feel hungry for cake, since it would take him a while to open all of his gifts.

Markus's family had gotten Henry a few outfits, shoes, and a couple stuffed animals. Angel's family had gotten mostly toys for Henry, since she figured Henry was young enough to really only want toys. Liz got Henry a couple push along toys to help him walk, since he was still wobbly and bowlegged. Carlos bought Henry a baby basketball goal with a basketball, as well as a small carpet that looked like a road going around a town, and of course some toy cars to go with it.

Danielle had gotten Henry clothes, shoes, stuffed animals, noise making toys, and a couple little kid CDs. Nanala had gotten Henry a little dinosaur that he could ride with a push of a button, as well as a few outfits, shoes, sunglasses, stuffed animals, and a new bed that looked like a racecar. He wouldn't be able to use it for a few more months, but she wanted him to get it early.

"Time for cake!" Nanala exclaimed, causing all of the children to cheer.

Nanala set Henry in his high chair, before she put a candle in his cake, and everyone sang to him. Once she "helped" him blowout his candle, Nanala handed Henry his cake and allowed him to devour it however he wanted. Danielle cut a different cake for the others, as Nanala placed ice cream with their cake slices.

The party lasted for about another hour, before everyone had decided it was time to leave. Nanala was happy with the turnout of the party, especially since she had never gotten a party like that when she was little. She cleaned up Henry's cake, before she brought the little boy into the bathroom and gave him a bath. She even brought his new boats for bathtime that Liz had gotten him.

After his bath, Nanala put a clean diaper on him, rubbed lavender lotion on him--which would help him sleep--and put him in one of his new sleepers that had dinosaurs on it. He had many new clothing items, which consisted of a lot of dinosaurs, superheros, or animals on them. Nanala didn't know much about the superheros, obviously, but she loved the outfits nonetheless. She was happy he had gotten so many presents...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I will post the last two chapters to this part tomorrow. Sorry for the excessive amount of author's notes for the last few chapters, but I've needed to say some things. I probably won't have so many later.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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