Chapter Thirteen

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      Nanala woke up with a gasp. Looking around, she was beyond frightened with everything she seen around her. She knew she was in the middle of a city, but she had no idea where she was. Pulling herself to her feet slowly, she looked around and tried to spy something that was remotely familiar. Looking down by her feet, she seen a small suitcase, and her wand. She quickly stuck the wand in her boot and picked up the suitcase. She wanted to know exactly where Dumbledore had sent her and why. Yes, he said it had something to do with Lily and James's destiny, but she wanted to know how.

       A few people walked passed her, not sending the girl a second glance. She was dressed different from everyone around her, since she was wearing her Hogwarts uniform. The only difference from normal was that she wasn't wearing the robes, she was only wearing everything else she'd wear to make sure she didn't get dress codes. After walking around aimlessly for an hour, Nanala walked over to a bench and sat down, right in the middle of Central Park. A few moments later, a woman walked over to her.

"You look lost. Is there some way I could help you?" The woman asked, causing Nanala to nod.

"Can I ask you a few questions that might sound really weird?" Nanala asked, and the woman nodded.

"I've been asked some pretty weird questions in my life, I doubt you can make me feel freaked out," The woman replied, causing Nanala to smile warily.

"Where am I?" Nanala asked, biting her lip.

"New York City, and judging by your accent, you're not from America. You're pretty far from home, and you're in Central Park to be specific," The woman answered, causing Nanala's eyes to widen.

"America?!" She exclaimed,"He sent me to America!" She cried out, but took a deep breath before turning to the lady once again,"What year is it?" She asked, causing the woman to furrow her eyebrows.

"It's Januarary thirtieth, two thousand eleven," The woman said,"Are you alright? Did someone hurt you? You're not seeming very aware of your surroundings," The woman commented, causing Nanala to sigh.

"I'm fine, just very confused. Something happened to me, and now I'm here. I don't know how I got here, or why I'm here. A-actually, could you help me?" Nanala asked, and the woman nodded.

"Of course, what do you need?" The woman asked, making Nanala bite her lip.

"First, I need a h-doctor to check on my baby--" Nanala began, before the woman cut her off.

"You're pregnant?!" The woman exclaimed,"Come on sweetheart, we need to get you someplace warm and safe," The woman stated, as she grasped Nanala's arm.

        The woman brought Nanala to a small business, that happened to be a doctor's office. The doctor had to explain everything to Nanala, from needles to an ultrasound machine. When Nanala's test results came in, she was told that she was malnourished and dehydrated, and she was given vitamins to take for her and the baby.

"I'm going to bring you for food, then we can find some place for you to stay," The woman said, and Nanala nodded.

      Nanala sat at a table while the woman ordered food and drinks. Nanala had realized soon enough that everyone around her was muggles, which was very confusing. The muggles did have some amazing things around though, like machines to see a baby, and flat screen televisions. Remus had explained the dynamics of movies and muggle things like that, but the muggle world had been rather advanced from the year 1978. Thinking of Remus, made her also think of James and Sirius, which made her very upset.

        Nanala honestly wanted to cry, but she really didn't have the ability, since she was in public and she didn't know anything or anyone around her. While she waited for the woman, she looked in her suitcase and gasped when she seen the box holding her galleons. When she opened the box slightly, not wanting the muggles to see the wizard money, she was surprised to see that it had all changed to muggle American money. She quickly closed everything up as the woman came back. She placed the food down in front of Nanala, and Nanala smiled in thanks.

"Could you take me somewhere so I can find a place to live?" Nanala asked,"I have a bit of money, so the place can be big or small," She commented, and the woman nodded.

      After eating, the woman brought Nanala to a small housing place. The houses were sort of like apartments, but there wasn't very many houses. There was only a few, and most of the people who lived in them had a good income. Nanala wasn't surprised that she was able to pay for the place, since she had stolen one hundred more galleons from the family vault only days before the Christmas holiday. So, the girl had over two hundred galleons, meaning she could live well for a while.

        The man that owned the houses gave her the best one he had, which was two bedroom, two bathroom, large kitchen, dining room, office, and a huge living room. The living room had windows surrounding it from floor to ceiling, and Nanala loved it. The rent was only nine hundred a month, which wasn't bad for the place. The owner promised to have only the best repairmen if there was a problem, and he offered to help her change furniture if she wanted, since the house was fully furnished.

"Thank you for your help," Nanala said, and the woman smiled.

"It's no problem. I hope you figure out what happened to you, and get some justice for it," The woman replied, before leaving the girl in her new house.

        Nanala went to a small diner near her house and grabbed dinner later that night, and she was surprised when she was offered a job. She would have to learn how to use muggle objects, but she was definitely going to need a job for the future of herself and her child...

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