Chapter Seven

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      A few hours later, the party was in full swing. Music was blasting, people were dancing, drinks were being poured and handed out, and cake had been served.

"So, I was right?" Remus asked, as he and Sirius stood with James and Nanala.

"Yes, you were right. I hate red velvet cake," She replied, causing Remus to cheer and Sirius to pout.

"This calls for more drinks. I'm depressed," Sirius commented, before he brought his friends to the drink table.

       Sirius handed glasses of fire whiskey to his friends, and he hoped to get them black out pissed. He wanted Nanala to have the best birthday of her life, even if that meant she had to drink her weight in alcohol. Nanala was pretty good at holding her alcohol though, since she spent most of her summer vacation drinking when she was stuck in the manor with her family, but only Sirius knew this, since he was the only one who understood how terrible family life could be.

"Let's play spin the bottle!" Sirius exclaimed, causing everyone to cheer.

"C'mon Pads, how little are we?" Nanala commented, causing the boy to scoff.

"Fine, spin the bottle truth or dare," He said, dragging his friends to the circle,"The rules are simple. You have to spin the bottle and the person it lands on has to pick truth or dare. Truth can only be picked twice, before the next person has to pick dare without the chance of picking truth. If you don't answer your truth, you have to take a shot, but if you refuse your dare, you have to chug this bottle for five seconds," He stated, holding up a bottle of fire whiskey.

"Good thing it's only Saturday," Peter murmured, causing Nanala and James to laugh.

        After everyone agreed to the terms, Sirius was the first one to spin the bottle. The bottle landed on Marlene, and she picked dare. He dared her to take off her top, leaving her in her grey bra, and she complied almost instantly. Marlene was the next one to spin the bottle, and the bottle landed on Dorcas. As the game went on, it seemed fairly easy.

         Nanala had been dared to remove her bra from under her dress with one hand, and James was surprised and rather turned on when he seen her perfect the dare effortlessly. She threw her bra in the middle, as everyone seemed to stare at it for a moment. She had also been dared to do a handstand by a younger year, and she complied, only James held her dress in place to keep everyone from seeing her goodies, much to the younger year's dismay, as well as many others.

"I don't think they'd do my dare," Marlene whispered to Lily, hoping to cheer up her best friend when she seen how sad the girl looked staring at the couple.

"Yes they will, they're a couple," Lily retorted, causing Marlene to frown.

"No, I swear I heard Peter say it was fake," Marlene replied, making the girl shrug.

"I guess you can try whatever dare you want, but it's not your turn, and you don't know if you'll ever have the chance to say your dare," Lily said, and Marlene shrugged as well.

"Hope for the best," She replied, causing Lily to nod slightly.

        Sirius spun the bottle once again after answering his truth, and the bottle landed on Lily.

"Evans, truth or dare?" He asked, smirking slightly.

"Truth," Lily murmured, biting her lip.

"Why have you been staring at James and Nanala like they're evil?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"I-I" She stuttered, before shaking her head and taking a shot of fire whiskey.

       Lily spun the bottle and it landed on Marlene, since Lily didn't answer her truth, Marlene was able to pick truth. Marlene answered her truth, telling everyone she lost her virginity in fifth year, before she spun the bottle. Much to Marlene's delight, the bottle landed on James. With a discreet glance at Lily, Marlene grinned at James.

"Since you can't pick truth," She began,"I dare you to have seven minutes in heaven with Nanala," She said, smirking when she seen James's face fall.

      James turned to Nanala, a frown evident on his face.

"I don't want to push you," He murmured, but she simply smiled at him.

"A dare is a dare, love," She replied, causing him to grin.

       Marlene frowned when James stood up and grasped Nanala's hand, leading the girl away and up to his dorm. Lily frowned deeper knowing James really was smitten over another girl. When James brought Nanala into the room, he closed the door and pushed the girl on to his bed. He cheekily smiled at her, before closing the curtains on his bed. As soon as the curtains were closed, his lips were on hers and his hands were roaming her body.

"Are you sure about this?" James asked, pulling away from Nanala slightly.

"Yes," She murmured, her voice barely audible.

        If this was her only chance to be with James, she was going to take it. Her feelings were getting stronger for him, and she could barely contain herself. Soon she wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut about her feelings, and she knew she'd ruin everything, but at least for now she'd be happy. She didn't know that James's feelings for her were growing as well, much more than he'd like to admit. He was certain sleeping with her would make his feelings stronger, but in that moment, he really didn't care. As soon as her dress was off, as were his clothes, all thoughts were out of their minds, other than the thoughts of each other's pleasure and bodies.

"Time's up," Marlene said, and Sirius nodded.

       Sirius stood up and walked up the stairs to their dorm. When he opened the door, he wasn't surprised to see the curtains closed and hear the both of them moaning. Shaking his head with a smirk, he quietly closed the door and walked back downstairs.

"They won't be out for a while, if at all again tonight," He announced, a smirk on his face.

       Marlene's face fell when she looked at Lily, the girl who felt her heart break just a bit more. Lily had lost James, and she was heartbroken. She had her chance and she lost it, but she was going to have to deal with it...

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