Chapter Ninety

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Lily Evans had given birth to a little boy — Harry James Potter. He was perfect in every way, and everyone loved him. James and Remus never left, vowing to protect the little boy from harm. James stayed home more often than he had when Lily was pregnant. With the three Marauders around, Lily had no time to talk to Dumbledore about the fate that was supposed to succumb them.

On the night of October 30th, Dumbledore told Peter Pettigrew where Harry Potter was located. Dumbledore knew the fates of James Potter and Lily Evans, he knew what was going to happen to Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, and he knew what was going to happen to Harry. He didn't care though, since he knew this was his only way to get complete power that he believed he deserved.

On the night of October 31st, Andromeda had decided to visit the family to bring a small costume for little Harry. Even though he wasn't going out trick-or-treating like the muggle children, she believed he still deserved to dress up. Anyhow, most of the family was happy she was there—other than Lily. Lily believed if it wasn't for Andromeda, the others would've never found out what happened between Lily, Peter, and Dumbledore. That sounded scandalous on it's own, but when anyone found out, their actions were definitely traitorous.

Well, Dumbledore hadn't expected Andromeda to be at the Potter home when You-Know-Who arrived. When he arrived, Andromeda stunned James to keep him down, before she preformed the dark spell on Remus and Sirius to send them to Nanala's universe. She had used Lily's anger towards them to make the spell work. She had tried to save Harry and Lily as well, but she wasn't fast enough.

You-Know-Who had already gotten up the stairs and to Harry's nursery. He killed Lily, as she tried to protect her son. He then turned to Harry and tried to kill him as well. Andromeda watched with wide eyes, as the spell deflected, and hit You-Know-Who. She watched the dark wizard crumble to nothing in front of her, before she ran over to Harry.

The poor baby was crying in his crib, an angry red scar was popping up on his forehead. She quickly ran to the restroom and checked the medicine cabinet and found a cream to put on his scar to soothe the pain. Once she had soothed his pain, she picked him up and carried him down the stairs. About that time, James had come to from the spell Andromeda had hit him with.

"What did you do to me?" He asked, as he looked up at the older woman.

"I saved your life. I saved Remus and Sirius. I saved Harry. I-I tried to save Lily, but You-Know-Who got to her before I could save her. I watched him die though, so he won't be back to hurt anyone. Harry saved us, but I don't think this is over. I feel like this is just the begging." Andromeda said, causing James to sigh.

His heart ached for Lily. Yes, he was angry with her for hurting him, for sending Nanala and Henry away, and for putting Harry's future in Dumbledore's hands, but she was still his fiancé. She still meant a lot to him, he loved her, but she had went too far, and he doubted he'd ever forgive her completely.

"I'm going to send you and Harry to Nanala's world. I'm going to use the last of Lily's anger to send you away. Once you're gone, I'm going to aurors to tell them what happened here, and as far as anyone knows, you, Harry, Remus, and Sirius died at the hands of You-Know-Who." Andromeda commented, and James smiled slightly.

"Thank you, Andy, truly." He replied, causing her to smile as well.

With a quick flick of her wand, she collected some clothes and shoes for the four boys, as well as quite a few galleons. Using her magic, she switched the galleons into muggle money, before she handed the large suitcase to James. The suitcase had an extension charm on it, but the suitcase was still rather large.

"Have a good life, James Potter." Andromeda murmured, before she quickly sent him and Harry to the other world.

As soon as they were gone, she allowed tears to swell in her eyes, before she aparated away. Right before she disappeared, she seen Severus Snape enter the home. She knew right away that he had to have known what was going to happen to them, meaning he was a part of the Death Eaters as well. Anyhow, the woman went straight to the Ministry to talk to the head auror and hopefully the minister as well.

When she arrived, the woman found who she needed to talk to. She asked them to meet in a room with her, and they agreed after seeing the tears in her eyes. She told them everything she knew, as well as showing them the couple of letters and notes between Peter, Lily, and Dumbledore. Everything she told them they believed, since they had given her a potion that would make her tell the truth.

Once they knew what happened and who to blame, they promised to arrest everyone involved with the deaths of Lily Evans, James and Harry Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin. She hoped that Dumbledore didn't cause anymore issues. He couldn't get Harry back, so there'd be no way for him to get the power he wanted, but he could always cause problems for her.

She hoped Harry, James, Remus, and Sirius were safe in their new world. She hoped they would all be happy. If they were happy, than she would know she did the right thing. Keeping Harry away from Dumbledore was the most important thing. The old man was power hungry, and the little boy deserved to live a life without being forced into a fight that he never should've been a part of...

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