Chapter Forty Four

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"When we get to this safehouse, you are getting a serious talking to, young lady," Clint stated, as he piloted the jet.

"I'm sorry, Clint," Nanala murmured, as she stayed laying across some seats.

"You starting to see straight now?" Steve asked, as he crouched down by Nanala.

"Barely," She answered, before she felt the jet starting to descend.

When the jet landed, Clint was quickly out of his seat. He walked over to Nanala and bent down to her level.

"I'm going to bring Nat inside. I'll come back out here to get you in a minute. Don't go to sleep or bleed out until I get back," Clint stated, before he quickly went over to his redhead friend.

Clint walked off the jet with Natasha, as Nanala slowly sat herself up. When she sat up her eyes clouded for a moment from the change in her position. Once she was sitting up for a moment though, her eyes finally became clear again, and she was able to get a look at the outside. She couldn't quite tell where she was, but she knew she was only land, which meant Clint had gotten her to a safe place like he promised when he seen her hurt on the jet.

"Hey, what are you doing sitting up?" Clint asked, as he walked back on to the jet.

Clint slid his arms under Nanala, before he lifted her up and carried her off of the jet. He carried her into his house, and laid her down on the couch. A woman with a very round belly walked over to her with medical supplies.

"Nala, this is Laura, my wife," Clint said, as he motioned to his wife.

"Hello, Nanala. Clint's told me all about you. He also told me you were hurt, and he wants me to fix you up," Laura commented, as she sat on the table in front of Nanala.

Laura helped Nanala sit up so she could clean up her head wound.

"It doesn't need staples or anything. I do have butterfly stitches though, that we can use for the wound. You'll probably want to get a shower first, but if you want, I can help you want wash your hair in the sink. We can go ahead and wash your hair, if you want," Laura said, and Nanala nodded slightly.

"Careful with your knee," Clint murmured, as he helped her limp into the kitchen.

Clint placed a chair under her knee, so she could prop it up. Once it was propped, Laura helped the girl wash her hair. She was very careful, but she had to make sure the girl's hair was completely clear of blood.

"Use your wand to dry your hair," Clint commented, and Nanala nodded.

Nanala waved her wand, drying her hair in seconds. Once her hair was dry, Laura put butterfly stitches on the open wound on Nanala's head. She then braided the girl's hair, making sure not to pull on her hair or irritate the stitches.

"You can go shower and wash your body, or you can take a nice bath, then I'll wrap your knee," Laura said, and Nanala nodded.

Nanala had Clint help her up the stairs. Laura had allowed her to bathe in their bathroom, instead of one of the other bathrooms in the house. Once she was in the bathroom, Clint left her alone and headed down to see his kids. His kids were excited to meet Nanala, but he told them they'd have to wait until she was better. Glancing over at the coffee table, he seen Nanala had left her wand. He grabbed the wand and put it in his pocket so it wouldn't be lost or broken.

"I've got some of my clothes for you to put on once you're done," Laura commented, as she set the clothes on the bathroom countertop.

"Laura," Nanala murmured, turning to the older woman,"can you wait in the bedroom, just in case I need help with my suit?" She asked, and Laura nodded.

"Of course, sweetheart," She replied, stepping out to give the girl privacy.

Nanala was able to take off her jacket and top, but she couldn't bend her knee to take off her pants or shoes.

"Laura!" Nanala exclaimed, causing the woman to come in.

"Need help?" Laura asked, a smile still on her face.

"I can't get my shoes or pants off," Nanala replied,"I hope that's not too weird for you," She added, but Laura quickly shook her head.

"No, you're fine, sweetheart. I have had to help Natasha many times with things like this before," Laura answered, and Nanala smiled with relief.

Laura carefully helped Nanala out of her shoes and pants, leaving her in only her underwear. Laura then set the bath for the girl.

"I know you normally use magic for everything, but I think it'd be good for you to let your body heal naturally just this once," Laura commented, when she spotted one of the old scars on Nanala's back.

"But the team needs me, and--" Nanala began, but Laura cut her off.

"I know," Laura murmured, placing a gentle hand on the girl's arm,"but just this once, I think it's best if you let them deal with this themselves. Maybe you could use a break, Nala. I know you've been through a lot," She said, and Nanala nodded.

"I'm not telling the team. They'll kill me," Nanala replied, causing Laura to shake her head.

"I've got it," Laura said, turning towards the door,"take your time and relax in the bath. I'll be in here in ten minutes to check on you," Laura stated, before she left the room.

Nanala carefully climbed into the bath, before she allowed herself to relax in the bathtub. She hadn't had an actual bath since she was little, she was use to showers, but the bath was nice. She felt like a kid again, for the first time in forever, and she wished she could feel that way for just a little bit...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I know you guys probably want Nanala to participate in all of this, but I think it's better if she doesn't. You'll get what I mean soon.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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