Chapter Nineteen

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Nanala and Danielle searched through books and researched on the computer as much as possible for the spell to send something to a new universe. When Henry was asleep, Nanala and Danielle did most of their research. After hours, days, and weeks of searching, Nanala and Danielle had finally found something to send something to the past, and she also found another spell to send something to another universe.

'Objects can be sent to the past with this spell, but only one object can be sent at a time, unless it is sent in a package sealed in one. A person can not be sent to the past with this spell, because the spell can cause death, even when done correctly.'

'Objects can be sent to a different universe--if a person believes there is another universe they're trying to communicate with. A person can not be sent to another universe, and if a person tries to go to another universe using this spell, they will not survive. (Note: Another universe has not been proven, so this spell could be used as a trick. More research has to be done before anyone could know if there is actually another universe.)'

"We could possibly put the two spells together and send the letter to the past in your other universe," Danielle commented, and Nanala nodded.

"I will have to do some more research to make sure it won't cause any problems, and also to make sure that I can put the letter in the right hands. I don't need the letter being put in the wrong hands; such as Dumbledore, Voldemort, or my brother,"  Nanala replied, causing Danielle to nod in agreement.

'When sending an object to the past, if a certain person in the past is supposed to recieve the object, think of the person while saying the spell. The person will recieve the object in some way; rather it be directly in their hand, or in their sight.'

"Look, this should make it easier for me to get the letter to Remus," Nanala commented, as she showed Danielle the paragraph she had read.

"You should start writing your letter, I'll go check on Henry," Danielle replied, and Nanala nodded.

Nanala grabbed a few pieces of paper and a pen, as well as an envelope. She had gotten herself a wax seal thing, and fun enough she had one that was Gryffindor. She was adamant she was going to use it to be funny, and also make sure it was extra proof for Remus.

  'Dear Moony,

     I know this might seem crazy, but it's me; Nanala Malfoy. I don't know what all I can tell you without changing your future, which would probably be worse than anything. With that being said, I will tell you quite a bit about what I know about your future and about where I am and what happened to me.

     First, I am in a completely different universe from you. They have books here about your universe, but from the future of your universe. The year here is two thousand eleven, which is a long time from your year. I've looked everywhere here for anyone like me, but there isn't anyone else here. I am alone with my magic here, for the most part. I've heard of "superhero" muggles, such as Iron Man. Y'know, the comic book Padfoot had. I wonder if any of the other comic book characters are real, like Spiderman or Hawkeye.

       Second, I remember telling you I was pregnant. Well, I gave birth, and it's a boy! I named him Henry Remus Malfoy-Potter, but I don't actually use the Potter last name on any papers or anything, just to keep from calling any attention to myself or Henry. I named him after my best friend, Moony, and I hope you like the name. Don't tell anyone about him, please, or if you do, swear them to secrecy.

      Third, according to the books I've read, James and Lily are together, or will be together, regardless of how he felt for me. Don't hate him for it, please, I know it probably didn't make you happy, or won't make you happy, but love him regardless, please. Also, I wouldn't be too mad if you finally found love Moony, even if it is years from Hogwarts. You deserve happiness, and I promise you will find it.

       Fourth, a few things I will tell you about your future, well, it's going to be things you have to figure out. I will say James and Lily's child will need you, but I can't explain why. Don't trust a rat, they're rats for a reason. I've always disliked rodents, Moony, you know this. Padfoot is a good man, don't ever forget that. He doesn't have an evil bone in his body, but when bad things happen, sometimes he can find himself in sticky situations. Not all things are as they seem, and sometimes a rat is the reason, not a man's best friend.

     Lastly, please keep this letter to yourself, unless you make sure they can't tell anyone else. I want to tell you who did this to me, but you have to promise me you won't get mad, or at least keep from doing anything rash. With that being said, A.P.W.B.D did this to me. If you figure out who that is, you will know who sent me away without a way back. I do miss you, Moony. I love you, and I love Padfoot. Even though he went to Lily, I still love Prongs. You and Padfoot are my brothers, Moons, and Prongs, I will always hold some love for him.

Nanala and Henry Malfoy

P.s. I will always tell Henry stories about you, Padfoot, and Prongs. He will love you as much as I do. Enclosed in the envelope with the letter is a picture of Henry. This will probably be my only letter to you, so I wanted to give you a picture of him; well, him and I, but I hope you keep it. We love you.'

Once she had written the letter, Nanala folded the letter up and stuck it into the envelope with the picture she wanted to give to Remus. After they were securely inside of the envelope, she used the wax warmer and poured red wax on the envelope, before using the stamp to put the Gryffindor emblem on the envelope. As soon as the letter was ready, Nanala began to say the spell as she held her wand above the letter. She felt herself smile as soon as the letter disappeared, knowing Remus had gotten her farewell, even if the farewell hurt more than she could've ever fathomed...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, what did you think of her letter?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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