Nanala continued watching the news for the next few days, wondering what more she would hear on the Avengers. Henry had slowly been getting better, so Nanala didn't have to feel smothered by the little boy as much anymore. He wasn't as clingy as he was before when he was really sick. Besides the clingyness, Nanala was glad that her son was getting better. She hated seeing the little boy so sick and so tired from an illness.
She still had a couple more days until she had to go to work, but if she was honest, she wouldn't be surprised if she lost her job from her lack of showing up. Most jobs would've already fired her by now, but apparently the people she worked for were more understanding than she originally believed. When she first met everyone, she thought they were a little stiff, but once she got to know them, they turned out to be amazing people.
"Food!" Henry exclaimed, as he slowly walked into the kitchen.
"If you're hungry, I'll make you some food, but it's not quite time to eat," Nanala told the young boy, causing him to pout.
"Hungwy," He replied, and she nodded.
"I'll get started on food, love," She answered, before he quickly went back to his toys.
Henry still wasn't amazing at running, but he was getting better. When he got too excited, he would still fall down or bump into things, but Nanala knew he'd learn how to do better as time continued. She was proud of her son nonetheless, and nobody would change her mind either. She remembered back in first year, how her brother lied and told everyone that she wasn't as smart as him, even when she was a baby. He claimed he knew how to walk, talk, and perform a spell before he was even a year old, whilst Nanala at almost a year old could barely crawl or hold her head up; which was a complete lie. He loved to lie to make his sister look bad compared to him.
Nanala wondered if her brother missed her when she disappeared. She wondered if he told his son about her, or if he despised her even after she had disappeared without a trace; presumably dead. She knew everyone would be told a lie, and she wondered if Lucius and Narcissa actually believed the lie that was told, or if they knew it was something deeper than what laid on the surface. Rolling her eyes, Nanala simply shook the thoughts of her brother from her head and continued to cook.
Nanala liked remembering some things about Hogwarts, even if they made her sad. She loved thinking about all of the things she experienced with Remus, Sirius, and James; even though James was temporarily--or maybe somewhat permanently--on her shit list. At times, she would even write down detailed descriptions of her adventures, hoping one day to turn them into a story for her son. They would only be for her son though for a few reasons. One, she couldn't let the world know she was a witch from another universe, especially the Harry Potter universe. Two, she knew if she tried to publish them, the original writer of the Harry Potter novels would probably slap her with lawsuits, or try to take credit for them. Lastly, even though she was fine with her son knowing her life, she wasn't exactly comfortable with the entire world knowing her life story.
She could hear Henry playing with his toys, most likely banging blocks together, as she cut up little bits of chicken nuggets. Once she had the chicken nuggets finished, she scooped up some mashed potatoes and put them on the plate as well, along with some halved grapes. After the plate was ready, Nanala turned around and grabbed a sippy cup from the counter top. She took the lid off of the cup and poured some apple juice in the cup, before screwing the lid back on tightly. Henry liked to try and take lids off cups, so she had to make sure the lids were always tight.
"Henry! Food!" She exclaimed, before she heard excited footsteps headed her way.
Nanala picked the boy up and placed him in his high chair, before grabbing a plate of chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes for herself. She ate the food with Henry, as Henry babbled about his day. He couldn't form full sentences yet, but he knew quite a few words. Nanala couldn't deny that she believed her son was a bit smarter than most kids his age. He knew more words and how to solve things faster, according to charts and records that his doctor had in her office with averages on them.
"Do you feel like going to bed early tonight?" Nanala asked Henry,"Mummy's rather tired today," She commented, causing the boy to nod.
"Me nigh' nigh'," He replied, and she smiled.
He was really good at comprehending questions and stuff as well, too. Nanala wondered if it was because he really only watched shows that were intelligent, or were Nanala's shows, so they were a bit old for him. Henry seemed to love watching Criminal Minds with Nanala on a daily basis, as well as Supernatural.
"Oh, it's time for Criminal Minds, Henry. We almost missed the starting time," Nanala gushed, causing Henry to shake his head.
"No! No miss!" He exclaimed, and she shook her head.
"Luckily we haven't missed anything yet. It'll be on any minute," She replied, and he seemed to sigh in relief, causing Nanala to laugh quietly.
Lifting Henry from his high chair, she placed him on her hip so she could clean him up. Once he was clean, Nanala threw away all of the food on the dirty plates, then set them in the sink with some hot water. As she was filling the sink, she heard a loud bang and glass shattered in her lounge room. Something had happened, and she wasn't quite sure what it was...

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...