Nanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...
The next day, that was the day it all happened. Nanala and Bucky had gotten Henry to take a nap, and they believed everything was eventually going to get better. Henry didn't wake up from his nap screaming. He didn't wake up from his nap talking about the purple man, or that something was going to happen to them or the others. He seemed to sleep fine, and his parents were grateful for that.
The problem was, T'Challa came to them an hour later, and told them they needed to suit up. He said something was coming, and Steve was on his way to give more information. Nanala and Bucky were flabbergasted, but they were also terrified. It seemed Henry's dreams were coming true, and neither parent knew what to do to stop it or save anyone.
"I should've known." Nanala murmured, causing Bucky to look over at her.
"Known what?" He asked, making the girl sigh.
"Henry's a seer, Buck, he can see into the future. Obviously not all the time, but it seemed he seen into this future and he knew something bad was going to happen. We should've listened, I should've known." She said, causing Bucky to wrap his arm around her shoulders.
"You could've never known, Nala. These things happen, and sometimes there's nothing we can do to stop or prevent it." He replied, and she nodded quietly.
After they had spoken for a few moments, Nanala and Bucky went to their room to grab the clothes they were going to wear to fight. Bucky then went to the trunk near the end of their bed and opened it, pulling out the arm Shuri had made for him. Nanala gave the man an encouraging smile, before she walked off to the bathroom to change.
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Her outfit wasn't anything special, but it was similar to one Clint had worn before. She had even learned how to use a bow with his help, so she grabbed the one he had gotten her. She planned to use mostly magic, but if she didn't have the chance, she would use an arrow.
"Nala," She heard, causing her to turn towards her front door,"my brother has asked me to tell you that you should bring Henry to the awaiting jet. We are not sure what danger is coming, so we are trying to keep the children as far away as possible." She stated, and Nanala nodded.
Nanala went to her room and woke up Henry. She gave him a small smile, but he could see right through it. He knew something was wrong, and that scared him to death.
"Come, you need to say bye to Bucky. We've got to get you to the jet for safety." She said, deciding not to lie to the little boy.
Henry started bawling the minute he hugged Bucky. Nanala had to keep her own emotions in, as she carried Henry all the way to the awaiting jet. There were other children in there, as well as mothers that weren't fighting in the battle, and a few of the Wakandan warriors to protect them.
"We will keep him safe." Kym, one of the mothers, said, as she held onto Henry's crying body.
"I know." Nanala murmured, giving the woman a sad smile, before she turned and left the jet.
Moments after she stepped off the jet, the jet rose from the ground and flew out of sight. Nanala stayed there for a moment, staring at the direction the jet had gone. It hurt to know her son was so far away, but she had to protect him. She was going to fight in this war to protect him.
Taking a deep breath to keep from crying, Nanala turned around and left the area the jet had been in. She walked quietly for a while, but she began to jog a bit to pick up her pace when she seen Banner standing with Bucky, as was Sam.
"What's going on?" She asked, crossing her arms.
"Thanos, he's collecting the Infinity stones, and once he has them, he can wipe out have the world's population with a snap of his fingers." Banner answered, causing Nanala to frown.
"We're all going to die." She murmured, but Sam shook his head.
"Nah, we'll live. We just may be covered in cuts and bruises later." He commented, making her sigh.
"Cuts and bruises are the least of our worries." Banner said, causing Sam to glare at him.
"I'm just trying to ease her mind, all right?" Sam snipped, but Banner's mood never changed.
"Steve, Wanda, and Vision are with Shuri." Bucky told her, as he seemed to grip his weapon.
"Vision has the mind stone. That's what's in his head right now." Bruce commented, and Nanala sighed once again.
"My day just keeps getting better and better." She said, rolling her shoulders to ease the tension.
A few moments later, Banner called out to Steve, letting him know that the battle would be beginning soon. They could see Thanos's army approaching. T'Challa and his warriors came out, as did a suited up Shuri; ready to fight the purple man from Henry's visions. Nanala was shocked to see so many things there that were a part of Thanos's army. She didn't even know what she should call them, but she knew they were aliens—similar, if not the same, as the Chitauri that Loki had brought with him to New York.
Nanala could feel herself becoming scared, but she refused to show it. One way or another, she was going to help defeat the creatures and Thanos. She was going to make it possible for her son to come back and live a happy life without worrying about the purple guy. She wondered where Thor was during the beginning of the war, seeing as Banner had mentioned being with Thor. If Thor was around, Nanala knew they could beat Thanos. Thor had to be the extra amount of power that was needed to win the war...