Chapter Fifty Two

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"What do you mean, 'not quite'?" Nanala asked, crossing her arms.

"That was Cap," He replied, frowning to himself,"he needs our help," He added, causing the girl to frown as well.

"Needs our help? With what?" She asked, as she and Laura shared a concerned glance.

"Do you remember the story on the Winter Soldier?" He asked, causing her to nod,"Well, his name's Bucky Barnes, and he's Cap's best friend from before. According to Cap, Barnes was framed for the attack in Vienna, and he needs help getting his friend out of here," He said, causing the girl to sigh.

"Is he sure about Barnes?" She asked, making the man nod.

"You don't have to come, he'd understand. You're retired, and you have a little boy. None of us would blame you for staying behind," Clint commented, but the girl shook her head after a moment.

"No," Nanala replied, shaking her head,"Cap needs our help. Besides, I've been feeling a bit restless lately, this might be the perfect opportunity to get it out of my system," She added, and he nodded.

"Well, let's say goodbye to the kids, and pack our stuff. We'll be gone for a bit," He said, making her nod as well.

Nanala followed Clint to the livingroom where all of the kids were watching cartoons. The duo hugged all of the kids, kissing the tops of their heads, before they went to their rooms to pack. Nanala packed a bag with clothes and potions, before she made the bag small and stuffed it in her pocket. Biting her lip, Nanala decided to leave her wand behind, knowing if anything happened to her, Henry would need a wand to use once he started using magic.

"Ready to go?" Clint asked, and Nanala nodded.

"Be careful, both of you," Laura said, as she pulled them into her arms,"and come back to us," She added, giving them both a serious look.

"We will," Clint replied, kissing his wife.

"Laura, can I talk to you real quick, while Clint gets his truck?" Nanala asked, and Laura nodded.

Clint went out to give the girls privacy, as he went out by the shed where he had left his truck a couple of days ago when he and Nanala were doing work.

"I'm leaving my wand," Nanala said, biting her lip,"if anything happens to me, since I don't know what Clint and I are walking into, I want Henry to have something of mine, as well as having a wand for when he starts learning magic," Nanala stated, causing Laura to frown.

"Nothing's going to happen to you," Laura commented, shaking her head.

"I know, but if something happens, I wanted you to know," She replied, causing the older woman to smile.

Laura simply pulled the girl into another hug, kissing her cheek, before she let the girl leave the house. The woman watched her husband and the girl leave with sad eyes. She had come to love the girl as her own daughter, and to see her leave after saying she didn't know if she was going to come back, made Laura's heart break. She doubted she'd be able to handle losing the girl, not after becoming so close to her.

"We have to swing by the Tower and see if Wanda wants to go with us," Clint commented,"Tony has her locked in with Vision watching her," He added, causing Nanala to shake her head with a sigh.

"I always thought Tony was better than this, but the more I hear, the more I feel like I had too high of expectations for Tony," Nanala said, making Clint shrug.

"I don't know, I mean, he isn't a bad person, he's just doing what he thinks ir right. We both know it's wrong—especially the part where he locked up Wanda—but he's not a terrible person," Clint stated, making Nanala nod.

"I guess you're right, I just didn't see the team splitting up and ending up so divided," Nanala replied, causing Clint to sigh.

"Don't worry, Nala, one day everything will be back to normal, and this will all just be a bad dream," He answered, and she smiled slightly.

Nanala had a feeling none of this was going to end well, but she couldn't prove it. She had a bad feeling like this before, and that was when she heard about the beginning of Tom Riddle's—Voldermort's—terror with his Death Eaters. Obviously she didn't get to see just how bad everything became, but she did read about it, and everything was sad and devastating to her. All of her friends were dead, her boyfriend married Lily, their son had to fight Voldermort.

If her gut feeling was right, then she knew the future for everyone else wasn't going to be very good. She knew it was possible that her bad feeling was simply from not participating in any fights recently, but she really couldn't shake the feeling. She just refused to tell Clint for now, since she didn't want to upset him or put anymore stress on him than she has already.

She knew if something was to happen, she was going to try and protect her son, Clint, and his family—their family. She was going to do anything to protect them, and one of those ways to protect them was to keep the feeling a secret, at least until it gets worse. If it gets worse, she'd have to tell him even if she didn't want to. As she tried to bury the feeling in her stomach, she began to think about if she should get papers that would put Henry in Clint and Laura's care if something was to happen to her.

Henry deserved to have a good life. Nanala wasn't sure if she'd ever have an easy life, but she was sure she'd have Henry have an easy life. If she and Henry had been in the wizarding world, Nanala wasn't sure if they'd ever have the chance to live an easy life. She wished Henry was able to meet his father, but at the same time, she was glad they had left the danger there early. She just wished danger didn't seem to follow her everywhere she went...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry for such a long wait. Things have been hectic right now, but I'm really trying, I promise.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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