Chapter Thirty Eight

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Their first big mission in a while had come to play. Well, technically it was Nanala's first big mission. She had been on a couple small ones, but they were nothing compared to ones where the entire team was out. Ms. Potts had Henry, so Nanala didn't have to worry about the boy being alone. Anyhow, Nanala stayed close to Natasha, since this mission was the mission Natasha was testing Nanala's hand to hand combat.

The team was taking down a Sokovian HYDRA Research base, where they had located Loki's sceptor. Nanala didn't know as much about Loki's scepter as the rest of the Avengers, but she hadn't been an Avenger when Loki was captured either. She ran around in the snow, blasting HYDRA agents with different spells and such to either send them away from the team, or "accidentally" injure them severely. She hated the idea of killing anyone, but if she had to she couldn't back out of it.

"Expulso!" Nanala chanted, causing a small explosion, sending agents backwards in different directions.

"Clint's hit," Natasha called, making the girl stop in her tracks.

"Nanala, there's an enhanced in the field. Be careful," She heard, causing her to nod to herself.

An agent was headed her way, and she muttered a quick "stupefy," before she turned and ran towards Clint and Natasha. By the time she was by them, she could see Clint was hit pretty bad.

"I've got him. You can help the others," Nanala commented, and Natasha nodded.

Natasha looked down once more at Clint, before she ran off. Nanala figured Natasha was going after whoever hurt Clint.

"I'm going to try by best to heal you. I've been researching all the medical spells and charms that I could find," Nanala told Clint, before she stood up herself.

Nanala levitated Clint's body to the jet quickly, before she set him down on the seats. "Vulnera Sanentor," she had muttered a few times, but Clint wasn't completely healed. She had been able to stop the bleeding though, which was what they had needed most.

"Aquamenti," She murmured, using the water to clean the area of Clint's wound.

"Thank you, Nala," Clint said, giving the girl a pained smile.

"I have a potion for pain relief. Do you want it?" She asked, sitting down on the floor in front of Clint.

"It's yours. I can't take it from you," He replied, making her sigh.

"I'm not the one hurt," She retorted,"besides, this is one of the very few potions that I can still make in this universe. I have all of the ingredients, so I can make more when we get back to the tower. For now, I think you should take it. I can tell you're hurting," She said, causing him to reluctantly agree.

Clint wasn't against taking something for pain, but he was against taking something from Nanala that could help her if she was hurt. He knew he wasn't going to win the argument with Nanala though, so he had agreed to take the potion. Nanala pulled a small vile from her pocket, which contained a grey-purple liquid. She poured the liquid in Clint's mouth and he almost gagged.

"That was horrible," He commented, but he sighed in relief when his pain went away only a moment later.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I should've warned you that it tastes ghastly," She replied, and he chuckled.

Soon, the team was back on the jet, but Nanala could tell something wasn't right. Tony had a faraway look on his face, and Bruce looked a bit haunted. She was too busy fussing over Clint to listen to the team as they spoke to Maria Hill. Agent Hill worked with Fury, so Nanala knew the woman could be a hard person to get along with. Fury was an arse, and no matter what, Nanala would never like the man. He made her beyond angry when he threatened her and her son.

When they finally got back to the tower, Nanala followed Clint and the others to see Dr. Helen Cho. Dr. Cho was going to finish healing Clint, which Nanala was thankful for. Honestly, Nanala felt awful when she couldn't completely heal Clint. It wasn't her fault, since she was still learning the spells and charms for healing, but it didn't make her feel any better.

"I can see the look on your face, Nanala. You did more than just lay a bandage on the wound. If it wasn't for you, he would've bled out before he got here. You did a good job," Dr. Cho stated, as she looked over at the youngest Avenger.

"Yeah, Nala. You saved his life. If it wasn't for your quick thinking, you would've been taking his place as the archer on our team," Tony joked, causing the young girl to roll her eyes.

"Thank you, Nala. I already said it in the jet, but you saved my life," Clint murmured, taking her hand in his for a moment.

Once Clint was completely healed, he wrapped his arm over Nanala's shoulders and lead her out of the lab.

"Let's go see Henry," Clint commented, and Nanala smiled.

Clint's family already knew about Nanala and Henry. Laura absolutely adored them both, especially since Clint would send picture updates to the woman often. Matter of fact, Laura was a little jealous of Clint when he told the woman that he had been called Papa by Henry. She wanted to be close to them to, but she had yet to meet them.

"Mummy! Papa!" Henry exclaimed, running from the table that he was coloring at with Ms. Potts.

"Henry! My little dude!" Clint called, as he picked Henry up and kissed his head.

"How was he?" Nanala asked Ms. Potts, and the woman smiled.

"He was amazing, as always. I'm always happy to watch him. I have to leave for a few days, but if you need me, I'll come back," Ms. Potts said, and Nanala nodded.

"Thank you, Pepper. Have a safe trip," Nanala replied, as she waved to Ms. Potts.

She then turned to Clint and Henry. The two were laughing and smiling, which caused her to smile as well. She absolutely loved them, and she felt amazing knowing she was finally getting the family she had always dreamed of...

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