Nanala and the others watched as a destroyed suit walked out from the other room.
"How could you be worthy?" The voice asked, motioning to the team,"you're all killers," It said, and Nanala frowned.
Nanala hadn't killed anyone, not even when her father had tried to force her to be a Death Eater. Technically, she wasn't quite a Death Eater ever, but her father did try to force it on her, by forcing her to torture muggle-borns. She refused to kill anyone, and she tried to refuse to torture them, but she could get tortured for it. Well, actually she may have accidentally killed an enemy or two while on a mission with the Avengers, but she doubted she had gone that far yet.
"Stark," Steve murmured, continuing to look at the suit.
"Jarvis," Tony called, looking at the suit as well.
"Sorry, I was asleep, or I was a dream," The suit replied, shaking its head slightly.
"Reboot," Tony said, looking away,"got a buggy suit," He added, as the suit continued to stagger slightly.
"Had to kill the other guy," It said,"he was a good guy," as it continued to ramble, Nanala's eyes widened.
"You killed someone?" Steve asked, staring straight at the suit.
"Well, wouldn't have been my first call, but out in the real work were faced with ugly choices," The suit replied, and Nanala frowned.
"Who sent you?" Thor asked, standing more defensively.
"I see a suit of armor around the world," Nanala heard Tony's voice from the suit, causing her to glance over at Tony.
"Ultron," Bruce said, looking over at Tony.
"In the flesh," The suit replied, seeming to nod slightly,"I'm on a mission," He added, causing everyone to stare at the suit warily.
"What mission?" Natasha asked, narrowing her eyes.
"Peace in our time," He answered, before other suits bursted into the room.
The team had to immediately start fighting the suits, as they flew into the room. The suits had been bugged by Ultron, so they were under his control. The team was unprepared at first, so they were thrown around and knocked to the ground.
Nanala was slammed through a table, causing a groan to leave her lips. As soon as she was up though, she pulled out her wand and began to blast the suits with spells and hexes to destroy them. Everyone continued to fight the suits, once they had weapons they could use.
Thor's hammer worked really well for destroying the suits, but there was only one Thor and one Nanala, so the two weren't able to take out all of the suits on their own. Luckily though, Bruce never called out the big guy, so they didn't have to worry about Hulk coming out to play and ruining the tower.
Once all of the suits were destroyed, the main suit that started everything—Ultron— was left standing. He staggered around for a moment, looking over the team as they breathed heavily after the fight. Nanala held her wand tightly in her hand, since she knew Ultron could easily start something else if he really wanted to.
"That was dramatic," Ultron commented, turning towards the team slowly,"I'm sorry, I know you mean well, you just didn't think it through," He said, staggering forward,"you wanna protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity safe, if it's not allowed to evolve?" He asked, looking amongst the Avengers.
Nanala's grip on her wand tightened ever so slightly.
"Look at these," Ultron began, picking up a suit,"these puppets," He complained, crushing the head of the suit and throwing it,"there's only one path to peace," He began, turning to the team,"the Avengers extinction," He said, before Thor threw his hammer.
The hammer successfully took down the suit, but it didn't destroy Ultron. Thor took his hammer back quickly, as he and the team watched Ultron closely.
"I had strings, but now I'm free," Ultron sang, before the suit died.
Nanala felt her heart beat even more rapidly in her chest. She was terrified of what Ultron meant by "the Avengers extinction." Honestly, she didn't know if she believed that she was an Avenger, but that was only her self doubt. Truthfully, Nanala was a part of the Avengers, and it was even written down on paper.
As the team began to walk towards Tony's lab, Nanala grabbed Clint's arm.
"I'm going to check on Henry. Let me know what I missed in the morning," Nanala said, and Clint nodded.
"Get some rest," He replied, smiling at the girl,"and let me know if you have any injuries that need to be checked over," He added, before he headed in the direction of the rest of the team.
Nanala walked to her room and gently opened the door. She was exhausted from everything that had happened at the party. She wished Tony would've thought more about what he was doing. If he had, nothing would've happened. Obviously, Nanala understood that Tony was trying to help, but helping and building murder bots were two totally different things.
After checking on Henry, Nanala went to her bathroom and stripped from her dress. She hung the dress back up, even though she knew it definitely needed to be cleaned. Letting the water heat up, Nanala took all the pins from her hair, before she stepped into the hot water. She quickly washed her hair and body, before stepping out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel.
Nanala pulled on a new pajama set, before pulling her hair into a messy bun. Afterward, she walked into her room, turned off all the lights—other than her lamp—and laid down in bed. She pulled the blanket up over her shoulders and closed her eyes. The stress of the night was weighing on her, but she had to let it go. Stress was always one of the main reasons that she had random outbursts of magic, especially when she'd accidentally read someone's mind. She just knew the muggles would never realize she was in their head, as long as she kept it to herself...
A/N: I meant to update more today, but I was busy way longer than I thought I was going to be. With that being said, I'll write at least one more chapter tonight, before I finish the next few tomorrow to complete the fourth part of this story.
Love you guys!
Follow!- Youngblood Xxx

Separate Universe (HP/MCU)
FanfictionNanala Malfoy was the younger sister of Lucius Malfoy, and best friend of Remus Lupin. Nanala was the only girl that was close to the self proclaimed "Marauders," enough to know about Remus's 'fury little problem.' Nanala had a thing for James Potte...