Chapter Thirty

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Nanala had thought about the meeting for days. She really didn't want to go to the meeting, but she knew there wasn't a way in hell for her to get out of it. She and Henry would be stuck going to the meeting, and this meeting would more than likely determine if the Avengers allow her and her son to be out and around the muggles or not. She really hoped they'd allow them out, but if not, well, Nanala would definitely figure out ways to change their mind.

"Danielle, can I talk to you?" Nanala asked, looking over at Danielle.

Nanala and Danielle had been watching the Fast and Furious series, since Nanala really seemed to enjoy them. Her favorite characters were Brian, Tej, Roman, and Han. She had fallen in love from the first movie, and has been watching them ever since. Honestly, she's super excited for the new movies to come in the future.

"Sure," Danielle answered, pausing the movie,"What's on your mind?" She asked, turning to Nanala.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I met the Avengers the day Loki was taken down?" Nanala asked, causing Danielle to bite her lip.

"What do you mean? How?" Danielle asked, making Nanala sigh.

"Captain America and Thor had crashed through the wall," Nanala began, pointing to the completely intact wall,"I pointed my wand at them, and shot Thor out of the room with it, and they seen Henry use his metamorphagus abilities. So, they left and said they'd be back. I built back up the wall, fixed everything they broke, and cleaned up any debris by the time they arrived. Tony Stark forced me to go with them for shwarma, and they bombarded me with questions about myself and Henry," Nanala said, causing Danielle to frown.

"What made you decide to tell me?" Danielle asked,"You could've kept it a secret if you wanted, y'know, so I wouldn't fangirl or anything, almost like I did when I found out who you and Henry really were," She commented, and Nanala sighed.

"The letter I got from Stark Industries, wasn't only a letter about the check Tony sent. The envelope also contained a letter from Tony that he wrote himself," Nanala replied, causing Danielle to frown.

"What did Mr. Stark want?" She asked, crossing her arms.

"He and the other Avengers want Henry and I to go to Stark Tower. Apparently they want me to answer more of their questions, and give them all the information I can on myself, Henry, and the Wizarding World. They also want me to bring my wand, my broom, and anything else I may have," Nanala said, shrugging slightly.

"Are you bringing everything?" Danielle asked, causing Nanala to quickly shake her head.

"Absolutely not. I can bring my school books that I happened to have with my belongings when I got here, but I don't even know if that is a good idea. They could use it against me or something, and I don't want that to happen. Besides, I could always just bring a history book or something," Nanala said, and Danielle nodded.

"Well, let me know before you go, so I can hide your other books, just in case they come here looking for them," Danielle replied, causing Nanala to agree.

Nanala had felt a little weight being lifted off her shoulders when she told Danielle the truth about the Avengers. She hated keeping the secret from her friend, since there was a chance the Avengers would keep her and her son imprisoned, and Danielle wouldn't have known why. At least as long as Danielle knew the truth, she'd know why Nanala didn't come back; if she didn't come back.

"What happens if you don't go to the meeting?" Danielle asked, glancing over to Nanala again.

"Stark said Director Fury will send agents to get Henry and I forcefully, and we'll be stuck in a cell until we're willing to cooperate. Depending on my answers, would determine if we would be put back in the cell or not. It seems they're afraid I'll be another Loki," Nanala replied, causing Danielle to shake her head.

"Make them read the Harry Potter books first, then you can explain some stuff about yourself after," Danielle commented, and Nanala simply nodded.

Nanala didn't want them reading the Harry Potter, since that meant they'd know about many of the bad things the Malfoy family did and stood for. She didn't want them to think she was as bad as her brother, and many of her family members before her. She didn't want to be labeled a Death Eater, when she didn't believe in anything the Death Eaters stood for.

There were many things that could've easily made them dislike Nanala and Henry, and she didn't want to give them anymore reasons. She wondered if any of them would go easy on her, such as Captain America or Bruce Banner, since they seemed to feel a little pity for her. Their pity was mostly towards the fact that she was a single mother, and she lived in a world where she and her son were the only ones with their magic, and everyone seemed to be hesitant around them.

Honestly, Bruce Banner knew how it felt to be a castaway, and Captain America seemed to feel like he understood her a bit, too. She was alone, and he understood how it felt to be like that. He knew the others really didn't, but he definitely did. Unbeknownst to them, Clint Barton felt a bit of pity for her, since she was a mother. He had his own children, and he understood how it felt to be different and have the chance of being separated from his children if something went wrong.

Nanala couldn't chance anything going wrong, mostly because Henry would be alone. If she lost Henry, she'd be devastated. The team would be the reason she lost them though, and she was willing to take down the team, if that meant saving her son...

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